On 30/01/2019 20:51, Andy Bierman wrote:

On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 10:04 AM Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com <mailto:rwil...@cisco.com>> wrote:

    On 30/01/2019 17:31, Andy Bierman wrote:

    On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 8:02 AM Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com
    <mailto:rwil...@cisco.com>> wrote:

        On 30/01/2019 15:16, Andy Bierman wrote:

        On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 4:19 AM Robert Wilton
        <rwil...@cisco.com <mailto:rwil...@cisco.com>> wrote:

            Hi Andy,

            Thanks for the comments.

            On 30/01/2019 01:22, Andy Bierman wrote:

            I originally brought up this issue in July 2015


            The solution I propose is different in the sense that it
            uses YANG instance data to define YANG packages rather
            than new YANG keywords.   I believe that this should
            make it a lower cost solution to define and implement.

        I think yangvalidator.org <http://yangvalidator.org> has a
        better solution that does not change YANG conformance.

        Do you mean that we can just use zip files with the list of

    I don't care about the solution details yet. They are 2nd order

    Conformance means "what modules are required to be implemented
    It is not clear that this problem can be solved.  The
    augment-stmt defines implicit
    multi-module conformance.  I am not convinced that the extra work
    of defining package conformance
    is worth it.

    So, I'm not proposing backing any sort of package conformance into
    the language at all.  A package is just metadata that defines that
    a set of modules, at particular revisions/versions, work together
    and can represent part of a YANG schema.

    This is equivalent to
     - how a zip file of YANG modules provided to yangvalidator would
     - getting the contents of YANG library from a server (but a YANG
    packages soln can also work offline)
     - fetching the modules from YANG catalog (if they have been
    labelled appropriately), although I'm not convinced that this
    universally works today.

This sort of metadata could be provided by module tags.
A vendor or SDO could define module-tags that represent packages.

Yes, this is a different way to assigning membership, although I'm not convinced that it is better.

I think that such a scheme could work without versioning, but I'm not sure that it will work so well once package versioning is considered, because to handle versioning the tags don't just need to represent which package they belong to, they also should identify which version of that package.

E.g. ietf-interfa...@2014-05-08.yang might be tagged with:
"ietf-base-pkg@0.0.1", "ietf-base-pkg@0.0.2", "ietf-base-pkg@1.0.0", ietf-base-pkg@1.1.0", ...

If packages change quite frequently then you might find that a module needs 50+ tags to identify which particular packages it belongs to.

Any without knowing the package version, I don't see that there would be enough information to build a schema since you wouldn't know which versions of YANG modules to use.

    But in terms of the usability of YANG, I don't think that doing
    conformance only at the module level is really sufficient. 
    Clients need to be coding against sets of modules at particular
    versions that are known to work together, and known that multiple
    server vendors will implement.

    A pick and mix appropriate to module revisions doesn't seem to
    help anyone.

I get all the different components and variables one might have for a package. I am not as convinced (as in 2015) that standard packages could be simple and widely deployed..
Now it seems vendors implement an ad-hoc subset + additions to everything.
It doesn't help to define a new package variant to match the vendor implementation.
The YANG library can do that already.

YANG library is only on the box at the moment, and it just gives a flat list of modules.
I would like it to also be available off the box and have more structure.

E.g. I would like IETF to define an L2VPN package that contains the basic set of YANG modules that a device that supports L2VPN services would be expected to implement at a minimum.

Then, rather that checking the output of YANG library to see that it has all the necessary modules to implement an L2VPN service, I could instead check whether the package implemented by the device imports the L2VPN package.  And if it does import that package, I can then also see which version of that package it implements (rather than checking every module version).

You seem more optimistic than me that the industry is actually ready, willing, and able
to implement standard YANG packages.

If we want YANG to be properly successful then I see that it has go there.  But nobody can do this today until there is a way that such packages can be defined, and versioned, and we start defining what these standard packages look like.

    The issue of what modules does vendor A implement is not a
    conformance problem.
    It is just more metadata and YANG Catalog is focused on providing
    that data.

    Does YANG catalog indicate the set of IETF modules that I would
    need to implement L2VPN services on a device?

This seems like a separate problem, but actually it can help by searching a lot of known modules. In order to know what vendor A, B, and C have in common, you need to get the catalog info for each vendor.

Module tags can also solve this problem.

But when there are multiple vendors with multiple devices, with multiple versions of software available then this looks like a hard problem to solve.

I would like someone (or a program) to be able to look at a package definition file, and determine if it implements what is required, and what software version is needed, and whether they are deviations that matter.

When my client then connects to that device, I would like the client to be able to check that it implements that modules that I expect it to.  I would strongly prefer if this could be done by returning a small amount of data, rather than a list of 1000 modules/sub-modules for every server that I connect to.

Module tags won't tell the client that it implements all the required modules that implement the L2VPN service, it will just indicate that implements some modules which can be used to implement an L2VPN service.

    Module tags could be used to do this (another packaging solution),
    but this would cause a proliferation of tags when it comes to
    versioning, since I don't think that you can cleanly bake semver
    into module tags.

        I don't really see how this helps.

        - server vendor A, implements some subset of the OpenConfig
        YANG modules, each at a particular version, along with some
        deviations and vendor augmentations.
        - server vendor B, implements the same subset of the
        OpenConfig YANG modules, but at different versions, along
        with some deviations and vendor augmentations.
        - server vendor C, implements a slightly different set of the
        OpenConfig YANG modules, but at different versions, along
        with some deviations and vendor augmentations.

        As a client, how do I know what module versions to code
        against, when I want to work with devices provided by all
        three vendors?

    The vendors publish their implementation details on yangcatalog
    and you get the info
    and see what modules are in common.

    There are only market requirements determining what group of
    modules has to exist
    in an implementation.  It is not clear to me that formalizing
    these requirements
    is something the industry will do effectively. Module tags
    already provide a way
    to conceptually group modules together.

    Seems like every vendor has openconfig, foo-openconfig, and
    so that there are no agreed upon subsets. Even if openconfig had
    properly documented
    subsets, would your client even be able to code to it (ignoring
    add-ons and deviations).

    I think that answer will converge on yes, I don't know how long it
    will take.  It would probably be better if at the time that
    protocol specifications are written, that the authors of the
    specifications also write the YANG modules to manage them at the
    same time.

        I might be wrong, but I think that the OC solution is use git
        tags, so they tag sets of modules that are expected to work
        together and also to provide a linear release history of
        their sets of modules.  So, if everyone implements the module
        versions associated with a git tag then it should convert a
        two dimensional problem of module revisions into a linear
        problem.  The YANG packages draft is aiming to provide a
        solution to this problem that doesn't require the use of git,
        or sending zip files of modules around.

        At the moment, it seems that everyone is doing this in
        different ways:
         - Yumawork customers/servers use zip files of modules for

    Not sure what this means.
    Actually the server libraries can be loaded and unloaded.
    Module can be standalone libraries or grouped as bundles.
    But this seems like an implementation detail, unrelated to

         - OpenConfig client/server implementations use git tags, or
        git refpoints.
         - Cisco customers use the contents of directories on github

        Finally, this draft doesn't change YANG conformance, it just
        expresses it in what is intended to be a simpler way.

    It adds another conformance system to maintain.
    The language only recognizes module to module interfaces, not
    package to package.

    I propose that at the language level conformance is at the module
    level (modulo import-by-version).

    That adds more complexity. It doesn't take away any complexity.

    It is meant to be a simpler way of packaging up, and trying to
    control and manage the complexity that already exists today.

    E.g. I could give a YANG compiler the name, version, and location
    of a package and tell it to build the entire schema associated
    with that package.

This is a tool implementation detail, not a conformance issue.
It would be nice to have a standard format for the YANG library for a tool to use. You seem to be proposing an artifact containing ietf-yang-library information. That seems OK to me, but it should not have anything to do with conformance.
It is just a standard way to express a module-set in a yang-data artifact.

Yes, what I am proposing is close to a file containing ietf-yang-library information, but I want it to be hierarchical/recursive, where as the schema defined by YANG library bis is flat, and I want the data to also optionally be made available in YANG library.

What I am proposing here doesn't change conformance of the YANG language in any way, not does it replace YANG library.


    In a somewhat similar way, when I write code, my build file
    specifies which libraries I depend on, and their versions, but I
    can leave it to the build tool to determine what those libraries
    themselves depend on and recursively pull in all the dependencies.

    If there was a standard to load and unload modular functionality
    at boot-time or run-time,
    then I could see why there is a need to have a standard to define
    YANG packages.

    I agree that this is another example of where they could be useful.






            I don't think the WG ever agreed on the problem that
            needs to be solved,
            and that is still the case.

            That wasn't quite my impression.  I also think that
            folks were busy focusing on other WG activity and didn't
            necessarily have the time to concentrate on this.

            My draft was aiming on solving two broad problems:

                The main goals of YANG package definitions include, but are not
                restricted to:

                o  To act as a simplified YANG conformance mechanism.  Rather 
                   conformance being performed against a set of individual YANG
                   module revisions, conformance could also be more simply 
stated in
                   terms of YANG packages, with a set modifications (e.g. 
                   modules, deviations, or features).

                o  To allow YANG datastore schema to be specified in a more 
                   way rather than having to list all modules and revisions.  
                   package definitions can be defined in documents that can be
                   referenced by a URL rather than requiring explicit lists of
                   modules to be shared between client and server.  Hence, a 
                   package must contain sufficient information to allow a 
client or
                   server to precisely construct the schema associated with the

            In reality each server has 1 package -- its entire library.

            This doesn't apply to all servers. For a long time, as a
            vendor, we have had separate packages that can be
            independently installed, and which extend the management
            model to cover the new functionality.  E.g. BNG
            functionality could be in a separate, independently
            installable, package on top of the base router

            For a Linux server, the manageability interface will
            depend on what applications have been installed.

            The SEMVER work shows
            that vendors are treating platforms as independent
            release trains, and not really
            developing loadable packages.

            This depends on the vendor.  The YANG versioning work is
            trying to find a solution that works across the
            industry.  I believe that the versioning requirements
            are different for standards developed modules, vs
            industry developed modules, vs vendor modules.

            I think YANG 1.2 improvements for conformance (e.g.,
            YANG-redirects, SEMVER import)
            and  the YANG Catalog can solve the module
            compatibility issues. It is more of a documentation
            problem than a standards problem.

            Having a standard YANG module that can be used to define
            packages is something this is useful and should be
            standardized.  I believe that this is better than each
            vendor coming up with their own solution for this problem.



            On Tue, Jan 29, 2019 at 4:55 PM Sterne, Jason (Nokia -
            CA/Ottawa) <jason.ste...@nokia.com
            <mailto:jason.ste...@nokia.com>> wrote:

                Thanks Rob. Please see inline.


                *From:*Robert Wilton <rwil...@cisco.com
                *Sent:* Thursday, January 24, 2019 1:16 PM
                *To:* Sterne, Jason (Nokia - CA/Ottawa)
                <mailto:jason.ste...@nokia.com>>; netmod@ietf.org
                *Subject:* Re: initial comments on

                Hi Jason,

                Thanks for the review and comments.

                I've put some responses inline ...

                On 24/01/2019 14:56, Sterne, Jason (Nokia -
                CA/Ottawa) wrote:

                    Hi guys,

                    I've gotten most of the way through the draft
                    and have some initial comments. I haven't
                    digested the section 10 open issues yet or the

                    Section 5 mentions the following:

                       YANG library is augmented to allow servers
                    to report the packages

                       that they implement and to associate those
                    packages back to

                       particular datastore schema.

                    Does the combination of this draft and
                    rfc7895bis somehow allow the same package to be
                    advertised in 2 different datastores, but with
                    different deviations in each datastore? I'm
                    thinking of a case, for example, where a
                    package is fully supported in the running but
                    the package minus a few modules (or parts of
                    modules) is supported in the operational
                    datastore. There seems to be a 1:1 relationship
                    between package and rfc7895bis schema.

                So, the intention is no, not directly.

                My aim here is that <running> would implement
                package "foo", and <operational> would implement
                package "modified-foo".  Package "modified-foo"
                would import package "foo" and also specify the set
                of modules that contain the deviations "foo".

                I didn't want a server to be able to see that I
                implement package "foo", but then I have all these
                deviations that change its behavior. Instead, it is
                really implementing a different package that is
                based on "foo".

                    The packages draft doesn't include any specific
                    leaf-list for deviations. Section 7.2 mentions
                    that deviations could be expressed by including
                    modules that happen to contain deviations. That
                    seems a bit inconsistent with rfc7895bis that
                    has a specific leaf-list of deviations (and
                    NETCONF hello that specifically explicitly
                    labels deviation modules).

                I'm conflicted on this one.  I don't really like
                the deviation list in YANG library because I regard
                it as a duplicate source of information, and then
                there is a question of which source of data do you
                trust.  E.g. do you process a deviation in a module
                that is not listed in the deviations module list?

                */[>>JTS: ] Good point. I suppose this issue
                applies today already. i.e. what if one of the
                modules advertised in the <hello> is a module of
                deviations (without having been referenced by
                another module as a deviation module)./*

                    Section 5.1 says the package must be
                    referentially complete. I can see the
                    advantages of that although wondering if that
                    might limit flexibility of partitioning modules
                    into packages. I could imagine use cases for
                    dividing a large set of modules into a few
                    packages that might rev independently but can
                    still all work together (especially if they rev
                    in a bc manner). But maybe that just starts to
                    introduce too much complexity?

                Yes, having partial packages may be useful. Perhaps
                just adding a leaf to indicate whether a package is
                referentially complete could be the answer here.

                    I didn't understand this part of section 5.1.
                    Can you maybe illustrate with an example?

                          The version/revision of a module listed
                    in the package module list

                          supercedes any version/revision of the
                    module listed in a imported

                          package module list.  This allows a
                    package to resolve any

                          conflicting implemented module
                    versions/revisions in imported


                Probably best to see example B.3. in the appendix
                because it exactly illustrates this point.

                1) Packages must explicitly list all versions of
                all modules they define/import.
                2) If two imported packages define different
                versions of modules, then the package that is
                importing them needs a way to define which version
                to use.
                3) A package needs a way to override the version of
                module specified in an imported package.

                */[>>JTS: ] Thx. That example does help. I suppose
                the designer of the package needs to carefully
                check that the version they select can be
                successfully used by all the modules in the package. /*

                */I think there is a minor typo in example B.3. 
                The example-3-pkg is importing "/*
                */example-import-1" but I believe you meant "/*
                */example-import-1-pkg" (and some for import-2)./*

                    It might be a good idea to add a parent-version
                    to the package module (to allow tracking
                    lineage of packages).

                Agreed, or maybe allowing a revision history like
                modules. Not sure which is better here.  Packages
                could get a lot of updates, and a long revision
                history would not be helpful at all.

                */[>>JTS: ] I think a minimum of just specifying
                the direct parent is enough to build the full tree
                of lineage. We don't need a long history of N

                    I like the use of groupings. That allows a
                    manager to use this as a building block to
                    compose a model that has a list of packages.


                    Having a global list of mandatory features (vs
                    having the mandatory feature a per-module list)
                    means inventing the new <module-name>:<feature>
                    format. Should we instead somehow put the
                    mandatory features against each module of the

                Perhaps.  My thinking here was to have the list of
                features high up and very easy to find/parse.

                    The location leaf is a uri but then the
                    description says it must be a url (where the
                    model can be retrieved). I do like that the
                    namespace is separate from the location, but
                    maybe we should make location a url type?

                Yes, I was thinking that is should be a URL.

                    Do we need a namespace for package names in the

                I had them in an earlier version, but I took them
                out, because I wasn't sure that they are really

                Defining a format to make package names themselves
                globally unique might be sufficient.

                */[>>JTS: ] I'm OK with that. It is similar to how
                we're finding that it is useful that YANG module
                names are globally unique (i.e. by naming with
                ietf-xxxx or companyabc-xxx)./*

                    In 7.3 we only reference module-sets and not
                    modules. So the grouping of modules into sets
                    and packages must be the same?

                Not necessarily.

                I am trying to reuse the module-set definitions as
                much as possible (to avoid duplication).  One issue
                here is that module-sets are combined then all the
                modules must not overlap, which doesn't make the
                mapping to module-sets quite so clean.

                    A schema can only have a single package. I
                    think that works but it means a server would
                    advertise multiple schemas if it wants to
                    support multiple packages. I'm not sure if
                    there are some downsides to that (it just
                    surprised me).

                My aim here was:
                 - multiple packages are advertised in
                 - datastores only report that they "implement" one
                [top level] package version. [The package itself
                might import other packages.]

                If we do package selection, then for a given YANG
                client session, and the version of YANG library
                available/reported by that session, it would appear
                as if the server only implements one top level
                package for a datastore.  Different clients
                choosing different versions would see slightly
                different output depending on which package version
                they had selected to use.

                Thanks again for the review and the comments!



                    *From:*netmod <netmod-boun...@ietf.org>
                    <mailto:netmod-boun...@ietf.org> *On Behalf Of
                    *Robert Wilton
                    *Sent:* Thursday, December 20, 2018 12:45 PM
                    *To:* netmod@ietf.org <mailto:netmod@ietf.org>
                    *Subject:* [netmod] YANG Packages


                    I've written up an ID for a potential solution
                    for YANG packages using instance data:


                       This document defines YANG packages, an
                    organizational structure

                       holding a set of related YANG modules, that
                    can be used to simplify

                       the conformance and sharing of YANG schema. 
                    It describes how YANG

                       instance data documents are used to define
                    YANG packages, and how the

                       YANG library information published by a
                    server can be augmented with

                       additional packaging related information.


                    Potentially this work may be of use as part of
                    the YANG versioning design team work.  In
                    addition, if the WG likes this approach of
                    defining YANG packages, then it might also be
                    useful to bind a schema to a YANG instance data

                    Some questions for members of the WG:

                    1) Do members of the WG agree that YANG
                    packages is something that needs to be solved?

                    2) Is the approach in this draft of defining
                    these as instance data documents a good
                    starting point?

                    3) This approach augments YANG library-bis,
                    reusing module-sets, but not replacing the way
                    that modules are reported in YANG library-bis. 
                    Is this the right approach?  This approach
                    tries to allow module-sets to be reused for
                    both schema and packages, but the YANG
                    library-bis rules for combining module-sets
                    (i.e. no conflicts) may make this harder to
                    really reuse the module-sets for both purposes.

                    Of course, any other comments or feedback is
                    welcome and appreciated.


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