
We discussed using something along the lines of 
module-or-submodule-name['@'date]['#'revision-label].yang. Questions to the WG:
1) Is there a need for both date and revision-label or is one of them enough?
2) If we have both, what's the impact of having "#revision-label" on 
implementations which search by date?


On 2020-03-27, 5:44 PM, "netmod on behalf of Reshad Rahman (rrahman)" 
<netmod-boun...@ietf.org on behalf of rrahman=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:

            o  3.3
                  In the filename of a YANG module, where it takes the form: 
                  or-submodule-name ['@' revision-label] ( '.yang' / '.yin' )
              Should this section update 5.2 of RFC 7950?  I know that 5.2 just
              says "SHOULD".  But existing tools implement this SHOULD, and they
              need to be updated to handle this new convention.
              But I wonder if this a good idea.  It means that a tool that looks
              for a module with a certain revision date cannot simply check the
              filenames, but need to parse all available modules (wijust to 
find the
    We agree that there is an impact on searching by date. We put this in to 
have the ability to search by revision-label, otherwise we can search just by 
date for a module which uses revision-label.
    We had also discussed using different limiter for the label and have 
something along the lines of: 
    It'd seem that updating 7950 would be a good idea whichever way we go.
    On 2020-03-20, 5:08 PM, "netmod on behalf of Reshad Rahman (rrahman)" 
<netmod-boun...@ietf.org on behalf of rrahman=40cisco....@dmarc.ietf.org> wrote:
        Hi Martin,
        We've opened issues to track your review comments (see below). Will 
kick off separate therads for each issue.
        On 2020-03-10, 3:31 PM, "netmod on behalf of Martin Björklund" 
<netmod-boun...@ietf.org on behalf of mbj+i...@4668.se> wrote:
            Here are my review comments of
            o  3.1.1
                o  In statements that have any data definition statements as
                   substatements, those data definition substatements MAY be
                   reordered, as long as they do not change the ordering or any 
                   "input" substatements.
              I think this needs to capture that no descendant statements to
              "input" can be reordered.  Same for "output" (note, "input" and
              "output" in both "rpc" and "action").
            o  3.3
                All revision labels that match the pattern for the "version"
                typedef in the ietf-yang-semver YANG module MUST be interpreted 
                YANG semantic version numbers.
              I don't think this is a good idea.  Seems like a layer violation.
              What if my project use another dialect of semver, that wouldn't be
              possible with this rule.  I think this needs to be removed.
            o  3.3
                Submodules MUST NOT use revision label schemes that could be 
                with the including module's revision label scheme.
              Hmm, how do I ensure that this MUST NOT is handled correctly?  
              exactly does "could be confused with" mean?
            o  3.3
                  In the filename of a YANG module, where it takes the form: 
                  or-submodule-name ['@' revision-label] ( '.yang' / '.yin' )
              Should this section update 5.2 of RFC 7950?  I know that 5.2 just
              says "SHOULD".  But existing tools implement this SHOULD, and they
              need to be updated to handle this new convention.
              But I wonder if this a good idea.  It means that a tool that looks
              for a module with a certain revision date cannot simply check the
              filenames, but need to parse all available modules (wijust to 
find the 
            o  3.4
                 leaf imperial-temperature {
                   type int64;
                   units "degrees Fahrenheit";
                   status deprecated {
                       "Imperial measurements are being phased out in favor
                        of their metric equivalents.  Use metric-temperature
                     "Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.";
              I don't think rev:status-description is necessary / worth it.  
              can easily be written with the normal description statement 
                 leaf imperial-temperature {
                   type int64;
                   units "degrees Fahrenheit";
                   status deprecated;
                       "Imperial measurements are being phased out in favor
                        of their metric equivalents.  Use metric-temperature
                        Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.";
            o  3.5
              The example modules should be legal YANG modules.  Use e.g. 
              "urn:example:module" as namespace.
              Also, the modules are missing the last "}", which confuses the
              "rfcstrip" tool.
            o 4.1.1
                Alternatively, the first example could have used the revision 
                "1.0.0" instead, which selects the same set of 
                import example-module {
                  rev:revision-or-derived 1.0.0;
              Shouldn't this be s/1.0.0/2.0.0/g ?
            o  5
              I think the module name "ietf-yl-revisions" should be changed to
              "ietf-yang-library-revisions".   "yl" is not a well-known acronym.
            o  5.2.2
              Wouldn't it be better if the leaf "deprecated-nodes-implemented" 
              "obsolete-nodes-absent" were of type "boolean" rather than type
            o  7.1
              The text says:
                All IETF YANG modules MUST include revision-label statements 
for all
                newly published YANG modules, and all newly published revisions 
                existing YANG modules.  The revision-label MUST take the form 
of a
                YANG semantic version number [I-D.verdt-netmod-yang-semver].
              I strongly disagree with this new rule.  IETF modules use a linear
              history, so there are no reasons to use "modified semver".
              It is ok to use rev:nbc-changes if needed, though.
            o 7.1.1
              There is a missing " in:
               4.  For status "obsolete", it is RECOMMENDED to keep the "status-
                   description" information, from when the node had status
                   "deprecated, which is still relevant.
             HERE  -----------^
            o  8
              s/CODE ENDS>/<CODE ENDS>/
            o Both YANG modules
              All extensions should specify the grammar; i.e., in which 
              they can be present and which substatements they can have.
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