
The response to this poll is sufficient for it to be adopted.  We just need the 3 missing IPR statements and, assuming no surprises, the document can be republished as a WG document.


Please prepare a version of the draft with only the file name changed to draft-ietf-netmod-eca-policy-00.  The -01 version should address issues / comments raised during adoption.  Note that publication of the -00 version is gated by the completion of the IPR poll.

Thank you!

Lou (for co-chairs)

On 12/7/2020 5:27 PM, Lou Berger wrote:
This email begins a 2-week adoption poll for:


Please voice your support or technical objections on list before the end
of December 21, any time zone.

Thank you!

Netmod Chairs

PS Note the IPR poll is running concurrently as the private response all
indicated that no IPR exists.  The draft will not be formally adopted
until both the IPR and WG polls are complete.

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