Some of these make no sense to me and I wonder whether we really need
to define these.

On Thu, Apr 08, 2021 at 05:58:58PM +0000, Sterne, Jason (Nokia - CA/Ottawa) 
> Hi Rob,
> I like the reformulation of this.
> Jason
> From: Rob Wilton (rwilton) <>
> Sent: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 5:19 AM
> To: Sterne, Jason (Nokia - CA/Ottawa) <>; 
> Subject: Client validation text [was RE: YANG Versioning Weekly Call Minutes 
> - 2021-04-06]
> // As a contributor
> Hi Jason, all,
> In yesterday's meeting there was a discussion on this text, and Joe pointed 
> out that any sensible client must validate its input.
>    While incoming configuration data is checked according to YANG
>    constraints, constraints on state data sent by the server MAY or MAY
>    NOT be enforced.  The following guidelines are provided for client
>    application designers to allow a smooth interworking with servers.
>    o  A client MUST tolerate any data received (or not received) without
>       crashing.

What is 'tolerate', what is 'without crashing'? Are we talking about
buggy parsers or buggy backend logic or backend logic fooled by
inconsistent values?

>    o  A client MUST be able to discard any data that is not part of the
>       model but is sent by the server additionally (e.g.  XML elements
>       or attributes, JSON properties).
>    o  A client SHOULD be able to handle valid parts of a received data
>       set even if it discards other parts as invalid.

In all cases?

>    o  A client SHOULD be able to handle data that is outside the
>       valuespace defined, as long as it is of the same basic type.

Really? What does 'handle' mean? If a value makes no sense at all,
what should the client do other than discarding the value (and logging
an error)? Or is this 'handling'?

>    o  A client SHOULD be prepared to handle more items for a list or
>       leaf-list than what is defined by the model.

Again, what does 'handle' mean???

> Based on Joe's comments, I suggest that this text could potentially be 
> written as something like:
>    Client applications are expected to perform sanity checking of data
>    received from a server and to handle unexpected or missing data
>    gracefully, e.g., this could include ignoring unexpected data, or
>    logging unexpected values for further analysis.  Clients SHOULD NOT
>    discard an entire response from a server because some data contained
>    within the response is not expected.  Examples of well-encoded but
>    unexpected data received from a server may include:
>    o  Values that are outside the value space of a data node defined
>       in the YANG schema, but that are within the value space of the
>       underlying base type, e.g., if the value represents an unexpected
>       error condition on the server.
>    o  Additional data nodes, e.g., if the server implements a
>       different, but compatible, version of a YANG module.
>    o  A greater or lesser number of list or leaf-list items than the
>       permitted range defined in the YANG module.
>    o  Non mandatory data nodes that are sometimes missing from the
>       response.  Noting that the server is expected to deviate any data
>       nodes for which it will never return values for.
>    o  Values that do not conform to the semantic constraints of the schema.
>    o  Additional YANG meta data in the encoding (e.g., XML elements or
>       attributes, JSON properties).
>    NMDA [RFC 8342], section 5.3, provides additional constraints on the
>    data that a server can return from the operational state datastore.

It might be necessary to write the security considerations text for
this.  From a security perspective, being lenient is often a
mistake. For example, if a leaf is of type inet-address, I rather not
have clients accepting any garbage strings as IP addresses.

I am not sure why we go into this. Which problem are we solving by
requiring clients to accept any garbage?


> Thanks,
> Rob
> From: netmod <<>> On 
> Behalf Of Sterne, Jason (Nokia - CA/Ottawa)
> Sent: 06 April 2021 15:10
> To:<>
> Subject: [netmod] YANG Versioning Weekly Call Minutes - 2021-04-06
> YANG Versioning Weekly Call Minutes - 2021-04-06
> Focus for this meeting was going through Jason's review comments for section 
> "3.1.2 Backwards-compatibility rules for config false and output data" of 
> (A)
> Valuespace:
> - value space (with a space between the words): use 7950 meaning/definition 
> (remove the definition in our draft)
> - make "must" its own bullet
> - don't particularly address "description"
> - Balazs propose updated text
> (B)
> replace this:
> "an additional state leaf can easily be discarded"
> with this:
> "the presence of an unexpected state leaf is not typically a problem and may 
> be ignored by the client"
> (C)
> replace "config=false data" in the 1st paragraph with the following (and keep 
> the quotes - that is how RFC8342 presents it):
>                 "config false" data
> (D)
> Lots of debate about the "client" bullets in 3.1.2.  Didn't conclude.  
> Perhaps just summarize and say clients need to sanitize data (give examples 
> of data they might get, values outside range)
> ACTION: focus on reviewing section 3.1.2
> ----------------------------------------------
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