Some comment on draft-ietf-netmod-system-config-00.

I support this work, I see it as important.

I think this draft should be dependent on the immutable draft. I see limited 
value of system-configuration if there is no way to protect It from client 

Ch 1)
Why is explicit copying bad?  Why do we need resolve-system parameter?  the You 
should motivate that.

Ch 1.4)
edit-config and edit-data cannot be used towards the startup datastore. 
Copy-config can.

" If the target
   datastore of the <edit-config>/<edit-data> or <copy-config> is
   "candidate", the server's copy referenced nodes from <system> to the
   target datastore is delayed until a <commit> or <validate> operation
   takes place."
This means that  the device has to remember that resolve-system was used. Is 
this fact visible for other clients? What if someone overrides items that were 
planned for resolve-system?
Other clients (not the one that used the resolve-system) will be confused.
What happens if I have a must statement including a "count () <= max" on list 
items. Another client might create max number of list entries. This could 
prevent the device from adding new list-entries based on resolve-system.
IMHO delaying the copy is a bad idea.

1.5.2)  IMHO we should have the same capability in Netconf too.

2) Define what does it mean if a part of system configuration is not active/ 
not applied? In which datastore is it visible? If I explicitly copy a 
conditionally-active item into <running> (while its condition is still not met) 
does it become active?

3)  3.1) The headers seem strange. I would consider changing them. #Ch3  is  
about Static Characteristics of what?
Regards Balazs
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