While  I fully agree with Jason's comments, I would like to state both as an 
Ericsson guy and as a 3GPP delegate that for us Key issue 2 (multiple label 
schemes) is not important. The only important point is that it should be 
settled fast and thus not delay the acceptance of the versioning RFCs.
Regards Balazs

From: netmod <netmod-boun...@ietf.org> On Behalf Of Jason Sterne (Nokia)
Sent: Wednesday, 19 July, 2023 14:19
To: netmod@ietf.org
Subject: [netmod] YANG Versioning: Key Issues #2 and #3 - revision labels

Hi all,

The weekly call group thought it would be good to provide an advance look at 
Key Issues #2 and #3 before the IETF117 NETMOD meeting.

For now on the list let's continue the focus on K1 but we'll start in on K2 & 
K3 (if there is time) at IETF117.

Key Issue #2: Single v/s multiple revision label schemes
Recap of revision-label-scheme:

-        Extension defined in YANG module versioning document.

-        Takes a mandatory parameter defining the scheme used, it is an 
identity derived from revision-label-scheme-base

-        Extension MUST be used if there is a revision label statement in the 

-        The YANG Semver document defines the scheme yang-semver
(note - the current YANG revision date is not considered a revision label / 
label scheme)

-        Example:

rev:revision-label-scheme "yangver:yang-semver";

Pros of revision-label-scheme:

-        YANG Semver deemed too restrictive by some

-        This provides flexibility to e.g. have vendor specific schemes which 
allow for infinite branching where the versions have no semantic meaning

-        Consistent framework for adding other schemes

Cons of revision-label-scheme

-        Flexibility comes with cost of added complexity, e.g. what if a module 
changes from scheme A to scheme B

-        YANG Semver is sufficient for IETF and many vendors

-        If some entity wants their own scheme they could just do it using 
their own separate extension (outside of any "framework")

Impact of removing revision-label-scheme

-        We would rename revision-label e.g. to yangsemver-label

-        If a vendor wants a new versioning scheme, a proprietary extension 
would need to be added by that vendor (including augmentations of yang library, 
packages, etc)

-        The current IETF documents would be simpler

-        Cost/effort to make the changes to the documents

Key Issue #3: Why do we need YANG Semver (vs. SemVer 2.0.0)?
SemVer 2.0.0:

-        Linear (no branching)

-        Simpler in construction

o   Major

o   Minor

o   Patch

-        1.0.0, 1.0.1, 1.1.0, 2.0.0, ...

o   If a new feature is needed in 1.0.1, a 1.2.0 would need to be minted that 
incorporates the features of 1.1.0

-        Widely liked by the industry, but only works well when updating at the 
head (fine for open source, not acceptable for operators)

YANG Semver:

-        Support for limited branching (maintenance of released code)

-        Supports SemVer 2.0.0 rules


o   _compatible

o   _non_compatible

1.0.1 -- 1.0.2_non_compatible
A feature (or an NBC change can be backported)

Why YANG Semver:

-        Given that module versioning allows branching, the labeling scheme 
must also support branching

-        YANG Semver is a compromise between power and simplicity

o   Encourage "mostly" single track development with modifiers the exception

o   Retains support for some updates to older versions

-        Sufficient for  SDOs and vendors

-        Industry is familiar with Semver - tried to stay close to it

Jason (he/him)

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