On Tue, Sep 12, 2023 at 01:42:57PM +0000, Rob Wilton (rwilton) wrote:
> I think that for this first poll this is the question that we should 
> initially focus on.  I.e., at a starting point, do you agree to updating RFC 
> 6020, RFC 7950, to allow changing the MUST to a SHOULD without a new YANG 1.2?

There are many options, one is to just change a single sentence. But
the poll fails to sort the options out.

> If we can get consensus on this part, then I think that we can try and tackle 
> getting consensus on the other updates in 
> draft-ietf-netmod-yang-module-versioning to decide whether to include those 
> in a document that updates existing versions of YANG without a change in the 
> YANG versioning number, or whether those changes should be deferred to a new 
> version of YANG (which I hope that the WG starts after this versioning work 
> completes - but I'll no longer be an AD at that stage).

This work is going on for years, the WG has failed so far to enumerate
the options and come to a conclusion.

> > There are features in draft-ietf-netmod-yang-module-versioning that
> > you can use only with new tools that implement the features. I am not
> > sure why tools that support different variants of YANG 1 and YANG 1.1
> > are any easier in practice than a tool that says clearly what it
> > implements.
> [Rob Wilton (rwilton)] 
> I hear two concerns:
> (1) Existing tooling handling YANG 1 and YANG 1.1 modules must handle NBC 
> changes anyway because they see them in the wild and that won't change.  
> E.g., it is 99% likely that OpenConfig will still continue to use Yang 1 
> modules.
> (2) All existing tooling won't be able to handle YANG 1.2 without tooling 
> changes. 

If you do not need YANG 1.2 features, YANG 1 just works fine. The
assumption that once can use YANG 1.2 features with YANG 1 modules by
simply not calling the features YANG 1.2 is what puts me off.

> > I continue to believe the questions are badly phrased. Instead of
> > discussing properties and trade-offs of solutions, we discuss the
> > version number. And we accept that bumping the version number is
> > considered too costly but at the same time the entire work is about
> > introducing version numbers to data models (where the same logic will
> > sooner of later apply). Yes, for me, this is real-world irony.
> [Rob Wilton (rwilton)] 
> I see this as: What are we able to do now without changing the YANG 
> versioning number, and without breaking existing tools, to help solve real 
> world issues today?  I.e., the aim is to bound our solution by what we are 
> pragmatically able to support in YANG 1/YANG 1.1 without breaking existing 
> tooling (which should already ignore existing statements that they don't 
> understand).
> Yang 1.2/2 should be worked on, but that will probably include other changes 
> as well and involve some level of effort from tool vendors to support.  It 
> will also probably also take many years.

A one line sentence change replacing MUST with SHOULD Not is one
thing, the ID on the table a different thing.


Jürgen Schönwälder              Constructor University Bremen gGmbH
Phone: +49 421 200 3587         Campus Ring 1 | 28759 Bremen | Germany
Fax:   +49 421 200 3103         <https://constructor.university/>

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