Based on the very good discussion on list and the opinions recorded on the poll, the Chairs want to state that the WG has agreed to:

"OPTION 1. Publish an RFC based on draft-ietf-netmod-yang-module-versioning that updates both YANG 1.0 (RFC 6020) and YANG 1.1 (RFC 7950) to allow YANG modules to be modified with non-backwards-compatible changes – This option does not change the YANG version number."

There remain open issues from the last call and there continues to be be good discussion on the poll and related to the document. We look to the document Editors to continue to move the document to address the open issues and gauge their understanding of WG position on this document. Once the document is ready, there will be an additional, and hopefully final, WG LC.

Kent and Lou

On 9/11/2023 6:39 PM, Kent Watsen wrote:

Please help the YANG-versioning effort move forward by participating in the following poll:

  - https://notes.ietf.org/netmod-2023-sept-poll (Datatracker login required)

Kent and Lou

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