On Tue, Jul 21, 2015 at 07:56:45AM +0000, Unnikannan Nair, Jishnu wrote:
> Hi
> I have re-complied the source form the GIT REPO and installed netsniff again. 
> I got the same message when I close the application "Cannot set NIC flags 
> (operation not permitted)".
> So I ran strace on a running instance of netsniff-ng and I have attached it. 
> Hope you can find the reason for the error. 
> Regards
> Jishnu


I assume you do not have enough permissions probably because of -u 1000 -g 1000 

Did you try use only super user ?

Also as I understand in silent mode you should get stats after you
terminate sniffing by Ctr-C, so would you provide these values & check
if there is some drop rate ? Also may be you can try sniff w/o pcap
filter and check interface stats via ifpps or some other tool which you like ?

Vadim Kochan

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