Hi all

After a bit of googling and unable to find an answer I have arrived here. 
Trying to figure out why there are drops

eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::215:5dff:fe90:cb95  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether 00:15:5d:90:cb:95  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 685944132  bytes 94503551689 (88.0 GiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 347130922  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 4299883  bytes 542934103 (517.7 MiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

ifpps --dev eth0 --promisc

  3.10.0-693.11.6.el7.x86_64, eth0 (hv_netvsc 10000Mbit/s link:yes), 
t=1000ms, cpus=4/4
  (consider to increase your sampling interval, e.g. -t 10000)
  rx:            0.078 MiB/t        514 pkts/t        275 drops/t          
0 errors/t
  tx:            0.000 MiB/t          1 pkts/t          0 drops/t          
0 errors/t

  rx:        90128.614 MiB    685967675 pkts    347143178 drops            
0 errors
  tx:          517.788 MiB      4299901 pkts            0 drops            
0 errors

  sys:             431 cs/t         152 procs           1 running          
0 iowait

  mem:           3782M total      3577M used        1656M active      
 1631M inactive
  swap:         16375M total         0M used           0M cached

  cpu0 +:         0.0% usr/t       0.0% sys/t      100.0% idl/t        
 0.0% iow/t
  cpu1 |:         0.0% usr/t       0.0% sys/t      100.0% idl/t        
 0.0% iow/t
  cpu2 |:         0.0% usr/t       0.0% sys/t      100.0% idl/t        
 0.0% iow/t
  cpu3 -:         0.0% usr/t       0.0% sys/t      100.0% idl/t        
 0.0% iow/t
  avg:            0.0%             0.0%            100.0%               0.0%

  cpu0 +:            0 irqs/t                14 sirq rx/t                 0 
sirq tx/t
  cpu1 |:            0 irqs/t                22 sirq rx/t                 0 
sirq tx/t
  cpu2 |:            0 irqs/t               299 sirq rx/t                 0 
sirq tx/t
  cpu3 -:            0 irqs/t                28 sirq rx/t                 0 
sirq tx/t
  avg:               0.0                     90.8                        

  cpu0 +:            0 irqs
  cpu1 |:            0 irqs
  cpu2 |:            0 irqs
  cpu3 -:            0 irqs
  avg:               0.0

While googling I came across a 
in an attempt to find the reason for the drops but nothing is shown as 
below while  "ifpps --dev eth0 --promisc"output shows drops
Moreover the output of command 
ethtool -S eth0

NIC statistics:
     tx_scattered: 0
     tx_no_memory: 0
     tx_no_space: 0
     tx_too_big: 0
     tx_busy: 0
     vf_rx_packets: 0
     vf_rx_bytes: 0
     vf_tx_packets: 0
     vf_tx_bytes: 0
     vf_tx_dropped: 0
     tx_queue_0_packets: 4262005
     tx_queue_0_bytes: 540057642
     rx_queue_0_packets: 554975976
     rx_queue_0_bytes: 75154134866
     tx_queue_1_packets: 10016
     tx_queue_1_bytes: 577068
     rx_queue_1_packets: 39786263
     rx_queue_1_bytes: 5886530842
     tx_queue_2_packets: 9938
     tx_queue_2_bytes: 573708
     rx_queue_2_packets: 45523991
     rx_queue_2_bytes: 6339758425
     tx_queue_3_packets: 9752
     tx_queue_3_bytes: 562584
     rx_queue_3_packets: 44568047
     rx_queue_3_bytes: 6938650998

Thanks in advance and apologies if I have missed something.

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