On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 05:30:52PM -0000, Steve Fryatt wrote:
> I've updated the RISC OS front-end to properly support the new hotlist
> tool in the URL bar (ie. handle mouse clicks, confirm before deleting
> things and provide interactive help). Because I've added some items to
> FatMessages and therefore can't push them, the changes are in a branch
> here:
> http://git.netsurf-browser.org/netsurf.git/log/?h=stevef/hotlist
> It builds and tests OK for me, so should be OK to merge in to master.

I reviewed and merged it, nice to see you commiting.

If this closes any bugs in the bugtracker can you nip and close them
not forgetting to set the fixed in version, thanks?

> The following tokens are new in FatMessages, and so could do with
> translations if anyone can help.
> all.RemoveHotlist
> all.Remove
> all.DontRemove
> ro.HelpToolbarFav
> ro.HelpToolbarHot
> The three confirmation texts are currently set to 'all' to match all the
> other similar entries in the file; they could be made 'ro' specific if
> that's considered better, although in theory they would apply to other
> front-ends implementing this functionality in the future.
> -- 
> Steve Fryatt - Leeds, England
> http://www.stevefryatt.org.uk/

Regards Vincent

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