I have been attempting to improve the level of test coverage [1]
within NetsSurf recently. This work is mainly geared towards having
sufficient tests to implement cookie handling with some confidence of

The current [2] cookie standards are very different to what we have
now and need this refactor to allow their use in the modern web with
javascript etc.

The test coverage is now minimally adequate at 88% of lines and 64% of
conditionals for code that is tested. However the amount of the
codebase tested outside of the utilities and url database is
effectively zero.

It would be a great area for a new contributor (or old ;-) to start
with the codebase and add some tests while improving their familiarity
with the NetsSurf codebase.

Tests are implemented as a series of simple programs using the c check
library. The existing tests should provide enough of a template but
feel free to ask questions here.

[2] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6265

Regards Vincent

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