On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 10:00:01AM +0100, David J. Ruck wrote:
> Daniel Silverstone wrote:
>> Also ensure you acquire a log if NetSurf is crashing or behaving
>> oddly and include a gzipped copy of that (or relevant excerpt
>> thereof) in your posting.
> Please DO NOT post attachments to either mailing list. Files should only
> be sent directly to people who have specifically requested them, or  
> placed on your own web space and a link provided in the email.

Personally, I think that if the attachment (compressed) is sub 100K then it's
perfectly reasonable to attach to the development list posting.  I'd hesitate
to post anything larger than a couple of K to the users list.

Please don't discourage what may be our only chance to get the information
needed to improve NetSurf for all.  Also, please reply to the list when
replying to my postings, and *NOT* directly to me.  I am *specifically*
requesting this of you.


Daniel Silverstone                       http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
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