On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 03:29:21PM +0000, Dr Alan Leighton wrote:
> > If you hover the pointer over 'next', or 'page 2', is a url shown in the
> > NetSurf status bar, at the bottom of the window? If 'javascript:' is
> > shown, the link cannot work, because NetSurf doesn't support JavaScript.
> Never used to be a problem .

NetSurf makes a valiant effort to make javascript: links work when all they're
doing is trying to open a new page; however if ebay have changed the code they
use to implement the operation of these links then it's quite possible that
NetSurf can no longer divine the purpose of the links.  Unfortunately without
proper JavaScript support; NetSurf will be unable to predict reliably the
purpose of clicking the link.



Daniel Silverstone                       http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
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