On 13 Dec 2010 as I do recall,
          John Williams  wrote:

> In article <5a52128551.harriet-qglwrmlu8clzjhtm8ag...@public.gmane.org>,
>    Harriet Bazley 
> <lists-zU4/+e8wvZWAV2smNHXGwRMqcT6ajmmy9dF7HbQ/q...@public.gmane.org> wrote:
> > We can now edit the title of entries in the hotlist once again (hooray!)
> > However, I'm having a lot of trouble doing so, since Netsurf keeps
> > closing the writable icon I'm typing into
> Seems OK in r11052.
Definitely still weird things happening here (rr11053) - but only when
the address is 'expanded'.  Ditto previous version - I didn't notice
because I always did have it expanded, since I was trying to restore my
hotlist to more meaningful titles and hence wanted to see the actual
URLs before editing...

Harriet Bazley                     ==  Loyaulte me lie ==

Justice: A decision in your favour.

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