On Fri, 29 Apr 2011 18:06:24 +0100, Roger Darlington wrote:

> Using Nat Rail Enquiries:
> http://ojp.nationalrail.co.uk/
> Typing in a known 'From' station and 'To' station names, then changing 
> the words of 'Today' to 'Tomorrow' and put a time in, then press 'go'
> It returns an error saying 'return journey cannot be before starting 
> journey!

I think that's correct.  Although the titles of the date/time gadgets
appears to be completely missing (I'm seeing two date/time gadgets
here but it sounds like you might only be able to see one of them, in
which case the other is most probably being hidden behind a veil of
Javascript), if you change the one that is initially earlier
(presumably the outgoing date/time) to be later than the other then
you will be trying to return before you leave.

Unfortunately the site contains a bit of Javascript since it was
revamped a few years back, and the formatting in NetSurf has always
been slightly iffy (I'm not sure whether these two things are

You are better off using http://www.transportdirect.info - gives the
same journey/ticket information but with no reliance on Javascript,
and also does car routes and combined bus/train journeys and so forth.


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