On Tue, Jun 05, 2012 at 02:15:15PM +0200, David Sandberg wrote:
> I'm trying to compile the newest svn version 13958. Under Linux Fedora
> 15 Gtk-version. It is compiling fine, but the test running in to
> trouble. The search box on the netsurf-website isn't active. If the
> cursor is on the website you cannot scrole or doanything, only if the
> cursur is exactly on position over the vertical move bar you can
> scrole. Is this a feature? Surfing ispossible andthe menu is in german
> language unlikely of the official versions.
> The trunk version 2.9 is properly running. 

The trunk of the SVN is not considered stable.  It has known issues with form
elements.  This mailing list is for issues with release versions only.  If you
want to discuss the development versions, then please use the netsurf-dev
mailing list instead.

However, since we already know about the major issues with the trunk, it might
be easier for you to stick to the most recent release version for now (2.9).


Daniel Silverstone                       http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
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