On Wed, Nov 07, 2012 at 10:16:41PM +0000, Chris Gransden wrote:
> In article <20121107215800.GB2863@somnambulist.local>,
> > > Re javascript and NetSurf, could the 'jsoff' component in the 
> > > test-build titles be meaningful, I wonder ;-)
> > Indeed.
> > Until and unless we can get libmozjs ported to RISC OS, it'll be jsoff there
> > all the time :-(
> I got 1.8 and 1.7 to build for RISC OS. The javascript shell runs ok but 
> !NetSurf crashes as soon as it hits some javascript. That's as far as I
> got.

We're targetting 1.8.5 I'm afraid.

We've gotten NSPR building but we're stuck at sorting out mozjs because it gets
confused between the host and the target NSPR installs.


Daniel Silverstone                       http://www.netsurf-browser.org/
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