On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 06:41:14PM +0000, Chris Gransden wrote:
> In article <20121215171742.gh15...@kyllikki.org>,
>    Vincent Sanders <vi...@netsurf-browser.org> wrote:
> > Please can you send a patch? even if its just the files you changed I
> > can work up a suitable patch from those, whatevers easiest.
> Steve already beat me to it. Those changes are working.

good to know

> > How do we disable JIT? I used your recipie to build spidermonkey as a
> > template. Even with --disable-tracejit passed to configure METHOD JIT
> > is still enabled (toolchain build has the patches and Makefile used[1]
> > (in the sdk directory)). If I turn that off too (--disable-methodjit)
> > the library fails to build, perhaps I am missing something?
> > I would like to try and debug where the later version of spidermonkey
> > fails as it is such a huge improvement in functionality going
> > forwards.
> I think the JIT is built if ARM is detected. Setting
> -DENABLE_JIT=0' stops it building the JIT. 

might try this today though I have run out of time for messing with
toolchain stuff right now.

> > I can build 1.7 temporarily, but this is not really solving the issue
> > at all and will (from past experience) almost certianly lead to RISC
> > OS being stuck there forever. 
> > In future I do wish to move onto editions of spidermonkey past 1.8.5
> > (3 years old) which provide improved perfomance and functionality so
> > limiting myself to version 1.7 (which is over five years old now, think
> > firefox 2 era) seems counterproductive.
> I thought it would be useful for getting people to test stuff now.

I spent a few hours on this yestarday. The 1.7.0 download [1] is not
autoconf and I was unable to persuade it to cross compile with our
toolchain let alone with the nspr. If you have a recipie that would be

> Chris.

[1] http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/js/js-1.7.0.tar.gz

Regards Vincent

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