The Ctrl-arrow keys have not worked properly in Netsurf for quite some 
time now.  (Maybe this is related to problems others have reported 
recently about Ctrl-U behaviour and about input focus.)

The standard Acorn behaviour in almost all other apps is that Ctrl
supercharges the arrow keys to take you all the way in that direction.  

In other words, Ctrl-up scrolls you all the way to the top of a
window, Ctrl-right all the way to the right, etc.  (I presume this is
in the Style Guide.)

Try it.  Shrink any Netsurf page (with its bottom-right gadget) to a
small size so that it needs scrolling.

In Netsurf #891 and #616, and in 2.9 (on both Ro 5.18 and 4.39) --
   Ctrl-up works as expected
   Ctrl-down does nothing
   Ctrl-left takes you all the way RIGHT
   Ctrl-right takes you all the way LEFT

In Netsurf 2.8, 2.7 -- Ctrl-down does nothing; other three work.

In Netsurf 2.5 -- all Ctrl-arrow keys work as expected.

Jim Nagel              
||   See you at SW show?   February 23

Jim Nagel              
   Abbey Press   32 Norbins Rd        (01458) 83 3603
   Glastonbury   BA6 9JG         pocket 0797 415 3861
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