On 13 Feb 2014 Jim Nagel  wrote:

> You'd think the software behind the bug-tracker could simply ignore
> the "#" if people type it in this box.  It would seem natural enough
> for a user to type it, since "#" is shown loud&clear in the Netsurf
> info box as part of the version number.

Well there is a # to the left of the text input box so it's reasonable 
to assume that you have to enter what comes after the #.

> Hits on the same pet peeve as websites that throw hissyfits if you
> type a credit-card number exactly as shown on the card with the spaces
> that make it human-readable and human-checkable.  Ditto phone numbers.

I agree although don't have a problem with credit card or phone 
numbers. I do get annoyed with sites that try to be too clever and 
then give you an error message if you enter a sort code with hyphens 
or a date with slashes.

Richard Porter                        http://www.minijem.plus.com/
Skype: minijem2                       mailto:r...@minijem.plus.com
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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