On 16 Nov 2014 Rob Kendrick  wrote:

> I have built a copy of RISC OS NetSurf using a much newer version of the
> compiler (GCCSDK's prerelease based on 4.7).  If people could give a few
> minutes to playing with it to give us some confidence of it working,
> that'd be great.  (Also any comments on performance difference, better
> or worse, would be of interest.)

> http://www.rjek.com/netsurf-gccsdk-4.7.zip

I've had a quick play. Nothing too difficult but it seems fine here.
KRPC, RO6.14

Richard Porter                        http://www.minijem.plus.com/
Skype: minijem2                       mailto:r...@minijem.plus.com
I don't want a "user experience" - I just want stuff that works.

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