On Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 06:13:18PM +0100, Chris Young wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Apr 2016 16:47:15 +0100, Richard Torrens (lists) wrote:
> > Somewhere between 3492 and 3507 the ability to mark text, drag and drop
> > elsewhere has been lost. Also the find text does not mark the finds.
> > 
> > This was very useful! I hope it's  temporary thing?
> Marking text isn't working correctly on the Amiga version either.  Put
> it on the bugtracker if you haven't already.

Apologies for this Chris. I have been making some core changes
improving the font layout API and messed up converting some
frontends. I fixed the others but you got to Amiga before I had
chance. Thanks for that

I have also recently changed the warn_user API. The core have very,
very few usages of this left and mostly returns nserror from API
letting the frontends report errors as they see fit. However this
means frontends now provide the warning API through the miscellaneous
operations table. Frontend code that should generate user warnings
(amiga_warn_user for the amiga frontend) should be called directly

To avoid breakage I kept the old warn_user() API in utils/utils.[ch]
while I carefully remove usages. Rather than risk me breaking your
frontend again might it be possible for you to remove the use of this

> Chris

Regards Vincent

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