In article <>,
   Brian Jordan <> wrote:
> In article <>,
>    Brian Jordan <> wrote:


>Today I discovered that NetSurf on the VA displays the site as intended
> when it is loaded from my local mirror although it still doesn't work
> properly with files from the www. "Aha!" you say "go through the site
> until you find the discrepancy, it's probably a style sheet." "But," I
> reply,"it still renders correctly on the same version of NetSurf on the
> Pi when viewed via the www." Mystified and digging deeper.


After clearing out
the problem has gone away. I suspect two versions of the relevant style
sheet were being stored and that one was invoked when I loaded the online
version of the site and the other when I loaded the local version. Anyway
the site now displays as I intended in NetSurf #3966 whether it is
downloaded or loaded locally both on both platforms and with both.
versions of RISC OS.


Brian Jordan
Virtual RPC-AdjustSA on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
RISC OS 6.20

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