In message <>
          David Pitt <> wrote:

>David Higton, on 29 Aug, wrote:
>> I just tried #4454 on the hotlist.  Most of the redraw is now correct, but
>> if you delete an entry of the hotlist when all of the list is displayed
>> (i.e. there is empty space at the bottom of the window), the bottom line
>> is repeated.
>I see that too, #4454 Titanium OS5.24.
>Also trying to delete a single entry is a bit odd. Select a single entry and
>on moving the mouse pointer up to the trash icon the line de-selects and the
>trash icon greys out. The way around this is to select the line then slide
>off the window to the left or right which leaves the entry selected and the
>trash icon active.

Yes, I've seen items appear to deselect themselves.  Strange, innit?

I discovered, by fluke, another way to get an instant crash.  Open
the hotlist, open an ordinary window in front of it.  Drag the mouse
from the hotlist into the ordinary window.  Bang.

Not a normal thing for anybody to do, granted.  It was just a fluke
that it happened to me, while I was dragging rather carelessly.


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