This problem again (using Netsurf #4881 on ArmX6 OS 5.25).  See threads in 
this list dated 2016-may-03 (when #4088 was in use) and 2018-july-13.

Did some further updates on the Archive site today, and again came up
against the old fails-to-reload problem.  None of these do the trick:
     F5 or ^F5 or ^R or the buttonbar route or Adjust-click on the 
     buttonbar or ^buttonbar or Netsurf menu "Navigate > Reload this 
The old page always reappears.

Tried quitting and restarting Netsurf, still no joy.
Before anybody asks:  the site does not use frames.

I guess the item will have to be cleared from my local cache.  Is there a 
straightforward way of doing this that I don't know about? Iconbar 
"Choices > Cache" does not offer one.

Seems to me the "Reload this page" option ain't strong enuf.

Jim Nagel                  

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