In message <>
          Frederick Bambrough <> wrote:

>I started a thread on the RISC OS open Forum at
>for more details. To sum;
>On closing windows in NetSurf choices/configuration I’m seeing the error,
>‘An unexpected error occurred: Illegal window handle’. It only happens on
>alternate config categories and on first look doesn’t appear to do harm.
>It’s on RISC OS 5.27 (19-12-19) ROM, NetSurf 3.10(DEV CI #4956).
>To summarise the thread, it's due to the latest version of RISC OS
>improved reporting of errors, showing this one up. It's been confirmed by
>others and is said to be related to changes in that ROM relating to
>clipboard caret/task fixes.
>NetSurf log extract;
>(9.520000) frontends/riscos/wimp_event.c:1654
>ro_gui_wimp_event_get_window: Creating structure for window 0x20481e39
>(10.850000) frontends/riscos/dialog.c:378 ro_gui_dialog_close:
>xwimp_set_caret_position: 0x288: Illegal window handle
>(10.850000) frontends/riscos/gui.c:2112 ro_warn_user: WimpError Illegal
>window handle
>(10.850000) frontends/riscos/wimp_event.c:1112
>ro_gui_wimp_event_close_window: Close event received for window 0x20481e39
>Anything else - best to follow the ROOL forum thread. I'm not qualified

I've reported this as Mantis bug 2728.


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