In message <>
          Dave <> wrote:

>In article <>,
>   Dave <> wrote:
>> In article <a24acd7559.DaveMeUK@BeagleBoard-xM>,
>>    David Higton <> wrote:
>> > OK, open the InetDbase:CertData file and tell us the date you'll see
>> > near the top (it's the 4th line in mine).
>> > Mine says:
>> > ## Certificate data from Mozilla as of: Thu Sep 30 03:12:05 2021 GMT
>> > David
>> Thanks for the advice David.  :-)
>> Mine is/was:
>> Certificate data from Mozilla as of: Wed Jan  1 04:12:10 2020 GMT
>> I downloaded and tried your updater, but unfortunately it errored out.
>> !Reporter"
>> ----------
>> [WindowManager/] %Obey HostFS::HardDisc4.$.Apps.!UpdCaCert.!Run
>> No writeable memory at this address
>> ** Error **
>>   Error  : &00000411
>> Maybe something to do with... I'm on RISC OS 6.20
>> Thereafter...
>> Downloaded the cacert.pem and did as you noted in your follow up posting.
>> So I now have the new CertData in place...
>> Certificate data from Mozilla as of: Thu Sep 30 03:12:05 2021 GMT.
>> Rebooted RISC OS... 
>> Tried to run "Fetch_NS and still the same error message...
>> ** WimpError ** from unknown task
>>   Error  : &00000000
>>   Message: file LATEST missing or empty at line 6
>> What next he cried?
>> Had a lightbulb...  :-/
>> RISC OS 6.20 has an !Internet.Files.CertData in
>> ...HardDisc4.$.!Boot.Resources.!Internet.files.CertData
>> But it also has a 
>> ...HardDisc4.$.!Boot.Choices.Default.Internet.Files.CertData
>> I replaced that one as well, thereafter, Fetch_NS downloaded the 5313/zip
>> okay.
>> Again.
>> Thanks for the advice, appreciated.
>> Dave
>> Apologies for vanishing mid chat last night. (Medical reasons).
>> D.
> Me being interested to know...
> Just tested on this RISC OS 6.20 the CertData really needs to be in 
> ...HardDisc4.$.!Boot.Choices.Default.Internet.Files for Fetch_Netsurf to
> work.
> Here on RISC OS 6.20 the CertData in 
> ...HardDisc4.$.!Boot.Resources.!Internet.Files.CertData when renamed out,
> has no effect on the Fetch_Netsurf running.
> That said, I'm renaming it back in case something else RISC OS looks for
> it there.
> Messy!
> Had the same Fetch_Netsurf line 6 problem in RPCEmu RISC OS 5.28 install,
> updated the CertData and it again ran okay.
> On this 5.28 RISC OS CertData is only in !Boot.Resources.!Internet.Files

The key thing is to know whether everything is looking for

What does:

*show inetdbase*

show on the various systems?

What happens if you rename the CertData file in anything other than where
InetDbase$Path shows?  Does anything stop working?  (NetSurf itself won't
stop, because it uses its own copy of the certs - currently best part of
2 years out of date!)

We don't want multiple copies of the file splattered around anyone's
system.  It doesn't help.

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