Sorry for typos, but this is allready the center of the problem:

There are important things, for men, and things, that arent importatnt at
all. Only machines need exactness, exactness is needed for a certain kind
of controlling and such controlling isnt important at all. It leads to
things like the DMCA with its penal law approach, not to mention the Berne
convention and fair use and the hollywood/dvdplayerindustries forced(?)
agreements (is a dvd player that ignores hollywood a circumvention in the
sense of DMCA or is then there simply no DRM at all?) A content industry
with measure of the eye would maybe play with DRM, but just as technic,
without the ugly penal side of things, DMCA is like afghanistan....

Saw Pococks unmovie project only once or twice, in Cologne, in Karlsruhe
it wasnt on, well, now it had some nice sides...(as a sculpture or
whatever, no kidding).

The first thing I saw was some algorithm driven triviality, name of famous
philosophers were floating over a flash animation. Exact database things.

Compare this to the magic of or the magic of reading
logfiles. There is place for imagination. There are some exact things, for
example you see that or disney or dreamworks has visited you,
you know that somebody with irix 64 from kansas city plant needs exactly 3
minutes to click on the only not so trivial link, but you dont see why.

Well, there is place for imagination in Pococks unmovie too, but somewhere
else. His exactness isnt about real life but exact nonsense.


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