the purpose of a corporation is to maximize profits for its officers.
there is no other reason for the existence of a corporation. a corporation
is not bound by any regulations it can avoid. a corporation, like water,
finds its way towards the maximum. a corporation should have no regard for
human or other life. a so-called 'whistle-blower' is a traitor to a
corporation and should be dealt with accordingly. a corporation should
attempt to minimize competition any way possible. to critique a
corporation is always besides the point. a corporation should heed
criticism only to the extent that such criticism results in less
maximization of profits. the purpose of a family is to maximize children
for its parents. there is no other reason for the existence of a family. a
family is not bound by any regulations it can avoid. a family, like water,
finds its way towards the maximum. a family should have no regard for
human or other life. a so-called 'whistle-blower' is a traitor to a family
and should be dealt with accordingly. a family should attempt to minimize
competition any way possible. to critique a family is always besides the
point. a family should heed criticism only to the extent that such
criticism results in less maximization of children.  the purpose of a
religion is to maximize spiritual benefit and control for its true
believers. there is no other reason for the existence of a religion. a
religion is not bound by any regulations it can avoid. a religion, like
water, finds its way towards the maximum. a religion should have no regard
for human or other life. a so-called 'whistle-blower' is a traitor to a
religion and should be dealt with accordingly. a religion should attempt
to minimize competition any way possible. to critique a religion is always
besides the point. a religion should heed criticism only to the extent
that such criticism results in less maximization of spiritual benefit and
control. the purpose of a species is to maximize the gene-pool for its
members. there is no other reason for the existence of a species. a
species is not bound by any regulations it can avoid. a species, like
water, finds its way towards the maximum. a species should have no regard
for human or other life. a so-called 'whistle-blower' is a traitor to a
species and should be dealt with accordingly. a species should attempt to
minimize competition any way possible. to critique a species is always
besides the point. a species should heed criticism only to the extent that
such criticism results in less maximization of the gene-pool.

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