Usual apps 4 X-post. May be someone on this list knows how to salvage wwwxs4mail' sservice...
----- Forwarded message from George Lessard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ----- Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 01:35:01 -0700 Subject: [bytesforall_readers] Kabissa's www4mail server now permanently offline For many years Kabissa offered access to web pages for e-mail only users through our 'www4mail' server. It was much appreciated by many in the Internet community, and received thousands of requests a week. We enjoyed providing the service and have made many new friends around the world as a result, including www4mail's developers at the University of Trieste, Clement Onime and Enrique Canessa, and users of the service in Cuba and other Internet-remote places. We even received e-mail once from a person working on an oil platform in the ocean who was somehow able to use Kabissa's www4mail server to access information on the web. We decided to take our www4mail server offline permanently for two reasons. The first is that the African civil society organizations we serve were not making much use of it, despite www4mail being very well promoted throughout the years on our Website and in the weekly Pambazuka News e-mail newsletter. We believe this is due to the fact that many organizations that are able to use the Internet do have web access, even if the amount of time they can spend online is limited. We are therefore focussing our efforts on helping organizations to make better use of the web access they do have, through our hosting services and training program. The other reason is that the Kabissa server has become more busy due to our increasing membership and the popularity of big mailing lists we host, in particular Pambazuka News, and we could no longer spare the server resources that were being taken up by people requesting large files (sometimes people requested whole linux distributions through Kabissa). It was a great ride, and we are disappointed that it has come to an end. We look forward to seeing other www4mail servers coming up to fill the gap, and are always a willing partner on new innovative tools that will also help to make the Internet more useful for people in low-bandwidth parts of the world. We would be glad to hear from others also working towards this goal, and also answer any questions about the Kabissa experience with www4mail. Below are some notes and further reading for those interested in this topic. Sincerely yours, Kabissa Team [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- 1) www4mail is an open source, freely distributable perl program that runs on linux machines. For more information and to get a copy, go to . There is also a mailing list people can join that might want to get involved in developing www4mail: 2) Other www4mail servers remain active, including: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3) There's a www4mail "powered" portal called VITA-Connect that we developed with funding from infoDev but which was never implemented - the platform is freely distributable open source available to anyone who wants to check it out: 4) Some more reading on the subject of www4mail: www4mail: A Bit of Web-For-Email History (By Enrique Canessa, Clement Onime) Email: A viable alternative to the web? (By Tobias Eigen) PowerPoint presentations from Bellanet, Kabissa and the University of Trieste from the "Open Round Table on Developing Country Access to On-Line Scientific Publishing: Sustainable Alternatives" # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: