

Bush  administration to keep control of internet's central computers

Gary  Younge in New York and agencies
Saturday July 2, 2005
The  Guardian

The Bush administration has decided to retain control over the principal 
which control internet traffic in a move likely to prompt global opposition, it 
claimed yesterday. The US had pledged to turn control of the 13 computers known 
root servers - which inform web browsers and email programs how to direct 
traffic - over to a private, international body. But on Thursday the US reversed
its position, announcing that it will maintain control of the computers because 
growing security threats and the increased reliance on the internet for global
communications. A Japanese government official yesterday criticised the move,
claiming it will lend momentum to the debate about who controls the information
flow online.

"When the internet is being increasingly utilised for private use, by business 
so forth, there is a societal debate about whether it's befitting to have one
country maintaining checks on that ... It's likely to fuel that debate," said
Masahiko Fujimoto, of the ministry of internal affairs and communications' data
communications division. The computers serve as master directories that contain
government-approved lists of the roughly 260 suffices used, such as .com or 
Anyone who uses the web interacts with them every day. But a policy decision by 
US could, at a stroke, make all sites ending in a certain suffix unreachable.
Despite many doomsday scenarios, the most recent US decision will have little if
any immediate effect on internet users, and given the internet's anarchic 
nature it
may simply represent a desire to assert state control even when it is not 
to do so. Claudia Bernett, 32, a digital design analyst in New York, said: 
as it seems, because of the nature of the internet, I think they'll be 
to create a coherent system that is capable of the kind of monitoring they hope 

Eventually, the people participating in the system will find the technological
means to evade the watchful eye." Experts say that in the worst-case scenario,
countries that refused to accept US control of the main computers could 
their own separate domain name system, with addresses in some places that others
would not be able to reach, making the world wide web give way to discrete,
regional web domains. Mr Fujimoto said that is also unlikely because of its
complexity, but the US decision will raise serious concerns that will not be
assuaged easily. The announcement comes just weeks before a UN panel is set to
release a report on internet governance. Some nations want international 
of the issue but historically the US has maintained the role because it was 
such a
key player in the early years of the internet's development.

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