Looks interesting, I read this call on the Jordan blog site
http://www.jordanplanet.net/ ---->
>> Saturday, July 9. 2005 Arabization Project - Call for Volunteers
Let me get straight to the point, in Arabic we have no official
reference to ICT( Information & Communication Tech. ) terms. As a
result, we can't properly translate software interfaces, relevant books
and other stuff in a standard manner. 
Relying on official entities to come up with official list is just not
gonna happen. Here's my idea of how to tackle this issue:
        Manage to get a comprehensive list of ICT terms in English 
        Work privatley with a small group of volunteers and translate
the list 
        Once the list is translated, publish the list on a website 
        When you have something almost comprehensive, people will start
referring to the list, and day by day, it'll become the official list.
So if anybody is interested leave a comment, I spoke to some people
about this Idea, and I already have two volunteers.
Volunteers.html#comments << 


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