PERFORMANCE: Enter Schengen-land through a mine-field:
This theater-performance is based on research done at the outer-border of the European Union between Greece and Turkey: the river Evros (Greek) or Mehric (Turkish). The river-scenery around the Delta is a bird's paradise as well as a military zone, which contains one of the largest mine-fields in the world: killing fields for refugees and migrants that try to enter the EU here. This is the reason why this year's no-border-camp took place here, organized by Greek and Bulgarian activists ( The area of Thrace, divided into Greek, Turkish and Bulgarian parts, is at the same time out- and inside of Europe, also historically, mythologically as well as botanically: Here Orpheus was ripped in pieces after he returned from the underworld and King Pentheus who tried to prohibit the cult of Dionysius. In the delta the fauna & flora of Europe and Asia meet and most of Europe's birds during migration to the other half of the world. Amsterdam based artists' network andcompany&Co. drove on land to this border: exit and re-enter EU. When they tried to re-enter Schengen-Land they were stopped for 18 hours because of a quite unbelievable pass-port story. Their research and their experiences are translated into a performance which will be shown at the *Theater Gasthuis* (Amsterdam) today and tomorrow and in Germany next year. The language is English. For more info: (webdiary) # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: