Tommorow Monday 14th is the launch of World-Information City festival in

Parallel to the WSIS in Tunis, World-Information City is a one-week
programme of events addressing global issues of intellectual property and
technology in conjunction with changing urban landscapes. 

The programme brings together researchers, artists and activists from Europe
and South Asia. It consists of a conference, workshops, an exhibition, a
public campaign, and a series of musical and art events based on electronic
media.  Held at India's IT metropolis Bangalore, World-Information City is a
cooperative project of the Institute of New Culture Technologies/t0, Sarai
CSDS, Waag Society, ALF (Bangalore), Mahiti (Bangalore) and local partners.

Conference streaming will be available on 17/18th... a conference blog will
be in place and the website will be continuously updated...

for details please check

cheers, >K

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