Greetings Nettime, lurkers & founders, & so forth:
We are happy to announce a live gathering of Nettime -- NETTIME_NORTH AMERICA (apparently Nettime 11) Monday June 5th, 2006, @ SAT, Montreal. At the end of August there were a few posts to Nettime-l concerning the potential human gathering of Nettimers, the first in some time. David Garcia raised the issue in a post noting Nettime's ten year anniversary [1]. Andreas Broeckmann, Camille Acey and myself followed up with a few encouraging responses and moreover I said I'd look into it [2]. A flurry of discussion has since followed off-list with the following suggestions: 1] for a series of roundtables on the state of Nettime, its futurity and direction; 2] on what Nettime has to offer in the 21C, from critique to network; 3] on what Nettimers are doing these days, and how this might lead to the refuelling of Nettime. --> FOR THESE ELEMENTS WE NEED YOUR RESPONSE AND COMMENTARY .. For timeliness Andreas has suggested hosting a Nettime North America gathering in Montreal shortly after the Mutek festival, which runs May 31st to June 4th [3]. This will hopefully encourage a number of distant Nettimers, global trotters and long-distance lurkers to make the trip. Technically we are looking at a *one-day* gathering as a post-Mutek event. We are not looking at organising a festival or extensive conference but rather something more informal, that could perhaps lead up to something larger if anyone wishes to do so. The event is being organised under the umbrella of the Montreal Upgrade, the volunteer, grassroots, global series of art & technology gatherings, of which I curate the local chapter with a local team, and hosted at the Society for Arts and Technology (SAT) [4]. The (unconfirmed but interested) crowd of attendees and a few confirmed organisers includes MacKenzie Wark, Ted Byfield, David Garcia, Geert Lovink, Alan Sondheim, Andreas Broeckmann, Felix Stalder and moderators & others, which isn't to perpetuate any kind of Nettime elite but rather say "hey! yes there is interest ..." -- and more to come .. ------ WHY WE NEED YOU --------------- For starters, we want to say HELLO! and see how many of you would be interested in attending and can possibly make it. Please let the list know.. Second, we're open to topical suggestions. Our plan here is to provide a cinq-a-sept gathering, with music and VJs for the evening and on into the night, with a day of roundtables preceeding. I can tell you right away that this will be far from dull: there will be enough interest in Montreal alone to make this a very satisfying gathering. New York, Toronto and Boston are very close and we can expect attendence from these locales. And given that many of you here have been looking for that chance / reason / excuse to attend Mutek anyway, this makes it inevitable, right .. ? Right .. come see Montreal .. for many of you quite possibly the first visit since ISEA 1995. Looking forward to hearing from all of you. best, tobias c. van Veen (with Ruth Burns, Sophie Le-Phat Ho, Anik Fournier) + with the support of SAT tobias c. van Veen _Concept Engineer - Director, The Upgrade! Montreal | @ : + (SAT) Society for Arts and Technology Montreal, Canada | - [1] [2] [3] [4] SAT -- Upgrade Montreal -- Upgrade International -- # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: