Bloggers as Media Parasites (Of course I mean "parasite" in a good way:)
"Big fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite em little fleas have smaller fleas and so on ad infinitum" These discussions on the shifting boundaries of the media landscape/ ecology and the position of "citizen journalism" "blogging" "tactical journalism" or whatever the buz word of the moment is, was well addressed by a feature on BBC's Newsnight last week The Newsnight feature (which at the time of writing) can still be found on their website under the title "WarBloggers" was based on the report by the excellent Paul Mason who is officially Newsnights "business and industrial" correspondent. (Mason made his reputation in 2003 with a series of three reports on China's rise development. But his recent reports have gone well beyond his brief and last week's War Blogger indicates that he has been given wander the editorial liberty to wander into ever more interesting territory). The War Bloggers piece examines the role of bloggers in forcing the Pentagon to admit to using of "white phospherous" not simply as means of illuminating enemy positions but (like napalm) as a means of burning the enemy and (given the indescriminate nature of the weapon) any body in the viscinity. The Blogger "Insomnia" highlighted" a piece in The American army magazine "Field Artillery"which calls the technique "Bake and shake"-first you burn them, then you blow them apart using high explosives. Mason goes on to describe how it was not only the Pentagon who was shamed by the revelations but also the mainstream news services who had neglected the many reports and a great deal of evidence that had been in the public domain for more than a year. Having failed to adequately examined the case for going to war, the "4th estate" now stand accused of lacking enthusiasm in the search for truth". But what more complex than these sloganising is the way that this report showed the complex relationships operating between the different scales (including time scales) of media practice. The bloggers do not often "break" a story but over an extended period persistently pick over details and sifting the evidence long after the "news caravan has moved on". In words which echo Raymond's aphorism "many eyes make all bugs shallow" Mason declared that "if a story is going 'no where' for journalists the blogosphere can continue to focus the power of many minds on collectively sifting minute details". Revealingly Mason goes on to describe, what he sees as his changing his role as a journalist from being "Guardians of Truth" or Gate Keepers filtering the evidence into "umpires" (the name for a referee in the game of Cricket) "sitting in the middle of competing accounts which are out there whether we like it or not". Although we will dispute Mason's self appointed role of "umpire" with all the traditional BBC claims of impartiality which this term smuggles in, the piece was at least attempting coming to terms with the potential of networks (seldom realised and progressively undermined by the gate keeping function of search engines) of presenting competing versions of reality rather than claim that there is only one official version. An important aspect of the report was the way in which it relatavised the "heroic" role of the blogger. Bloggers (for the most part) feed of the work of journalists who are their number one source, both independent and mainstream. Bloggers are parasitical in the best ecological sense of the word, combing the fur of the media searching for bugs. In the case of white phospherous story we see it traced from Alkud, Islam On-line, and numerous claims of humanitarian workers in the field to the counter claims of sites such as those found on US administration's "Identifying Misinformation" and on to a multitude of Blogger responses filtering, commentating and drawing on various sources. Instead of thinking about just blogging we need to observe the cumulative effects a whole raft of independent media (which include reports from humanitarian agencies on the ground) in which blogger commentaries become magnified within an alternative public realm and into which the mainstream media are eventually dragged kicking and screaming. Most interestingly the area which is least examined is that which lies between the mainstream media and the bloggers. The independents upon whom both extremes of the media feeding chain increasingly depend but rarely acknowledge. And this commentary, drawing as it does from a report from a mainstream media source finds itself embedded in the reflexive loop "and so on ad infitum" David Garcia ----- End forwarded message ----- # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: