Enda, I like the spirit of Morlock's response--but since I'm not so keen on my kids banging each other with toilet roll inserts, let me add some pragmatic advice.
One antidote to the marketing frenzy over computers for preschoolers is Lowell Monke's "Charlotte's Webpage" (http://www.oriononline.org/pages/om/05-5om/Monke_FT.html). While I agree with most of his indictment of computerized education, Monke seems to miss the radical potential of network culture, as when he can't see that his students' zeal for hacking their school's security might be political rather than technical. However, Monke's view of the politics of technology is clairvoyant compared to the myopia of his PC-pushing opponents, who seem to have exactly the wrong idea about which technologies will mend the social fabric and which will tear it to shreds. Most opt for lining a room with locked-down Windows boxes and standalone, "educational" CD-ROMs. For me, such "computer rooms" are a lesson in antisocial architecture--of the hard and soft varieties.20 Conversely, most parents seem to think instant messaging and mobile phones are a waste of their kid's time, whereas I'm betting that community efforts like moblogging can reinforce real-world learning through social ties, if handled thoughtfully. I also believe it's good for kids to get a taste of different interfaces--it doesn't take them long, a bit like foreign languages--and I would include Papert's turtle among them. Where do you draw the line between social and antisocial media? When the Wassookeag alternative school (K-8) contacted Still Water for advice about integrating computers into their curriculum, Joline Blais and I recommended an Amish approach. Contrary to popular belief, the Amish don't eschew all modern conveniences; rather, they adopt new tools on a community-by-community, case-by-case basis, and then collectively evaluate how the gizmos have changed their social life. Most Amish settlements disdain landlines, because calls at home take people away from their families; they have no problem with gas grills, however, because barbeques serve as social magnets for group gatherings. (It seems the Amish jury is still out on cell phones.) So we recommended that this school try blogs or instant messaging or whatever for a few weeks, then hold a "town meeting" to evaluate these new media one at a time. Does Sally still build Legos with Leslie, or is she spending all her time IM'ing with her online buddy Myst4ryGrl? Is Jimmy still practicing his skateboard grinds outside on the playground, or is he too wrapped up in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater to be interested in recess? Regardless of what they choose to keep or discard, the most important takeaway will be to debunk the assumption that technological advances are always desirable or inevitable. >I am sorry if this isn't the right forum for questioning this- don't know where else to turn. On the contrary: thank you for breathing some real life into the pompous theorizing that often passes for media criticism. jon # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: nettime@bbs.thing.net