As a New Yorker, let me be the first to acknowledge that the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) made mistakes here: in decisions about what to do with its surplus; in the decision to offer riders discounts during the holidays instead of making other investments; and in the run-up to negotiations as a strike loomed.
But as a New Yorker, and someone who generally supports labor activism, let me also say that: this strike is a mistake, and extremely misguided. The union's demands are unrealistic, particularly in an economic environment in which both pension and health care costs have been increasing dramatically, as is the case in the U.S. generally, and in New York in particular. Yes, the idea that there might be a two-tiered system is correct, were the union to agree to changes in benefits. Yet this is no different from any other situation in which a firm hires one employee under somewhat different terms than another. The firm that I work for once offered life insurance, but does no longer; but I don't resent my colleagues who joined at an earlier moment, which that benefit was still available. Situations change. The situation reminds me, in some ways, of the unrealistic attitude many Germans have -- that after 50 years of relatively cushy, post-War benefits, the system that allows early retirements and lush benefits is somehow immutable. Nonsense; why should it be that benefits cannot change when the economic and demographic circumstances that underpin those benefits also change? If nothing else, the increase in human life expectancy necessitates changes to a system that once offered 20 years of comfortable retirement and now must provide for closer to 30 or 40 years of retirement. Nor is it so absurd to ask that workers, if they wish to sustain this early retirement age, make an increased contribution towards their retirement funds. Moreover, as a taxpayer in this already-expensive city, the demands of the workers materially affect me. If costs go up, my ridership likely goes down, which will surely be the case across the city. The people who are hurt by these fare increases (as, indeed, they already are by the strike) are those who rely on public transit. Anyone who has visited NYC knows that the ridership on the system is diverse, but let's not kid ourselves that the restaurant workers and retail clerks have the same financial resources to take taxis to work that the stock brokers and lawyers might. The international union under which NYC's Local 100 Transit Workers Union sits specifically recommended against a strike -- because, towards the end of negotiations, the MTA returned to the table with a modified offer that conceded to much of what the union requested. Ongoing discussions should have been possible. That the union decided to go on strike anyway is a decision for which no one should be pleased or supportive. As a New Yorker, better support for the workers would mean more encouragement to return to negotiations, and to find a compromise both sides can live with. Sascha D. Freudenheim Doubt is humanity's best friend. For five years and counting: # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: