On 8-jan-2006, at 2:12, Karin Spaink wrote: > What else can we - I, you, us - do? I dunno. Nobody believes in armed > revolution, so that's off, fortunately. What's left sounds rather > lame. Propose alternatives. Keep addressing people. Show them the > fallibility of the main-stream argument. Show them the risks _for > them_ of what is going on. We have either not been very apt at that > or we have underestimated the opposition. That, or people are not as > smart as we thought.
IMHO this hits the nail on the head: it seems that it has become pretty much impossible to get a sizeable fraction of the population to react to what is happening to the world. A sizeable fraction of the people directly hit: maybe. But the rest of the people at best feel bad for the victims and get on with their life. Most people here in Holland will sort-of sympathise with the inhabitants of Limburg who're trying the do something against the AWACS planes soaring over their heads day-in-day-out, but no more than sympathise. Most people will sort-of feel bad for the 100,000 families who'll most probably be out of health insurance in 3 months time. Most people will sort-of think it's unfair that Moroccans are asked for their ID time and again. But that's where it stops: nobody except some fringe groups actually speak up or take action, and this is something that has changed in the last two decades or so. What makes things worse, actually much worse, is that the news media have adapted to this, and hard news is losing out to human interest. This creates a feedback loop, because the audience will of course also sympathise with the victims of some random family tragedy. So as the balance in coverage moves away from hard news the focus of the audience's attention will shift too, which will cause the media to move the balance further. And while everyone is discussing what to do about fathers killing their children (which happens occasionally, has always happened occasionally, and probably always will happen occasionally whatever you try to do against it) the-powers-that-be continue with their often infinitely more dangerous activities in relative obscurity... -- Jack Jansen, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.cwi.nl/~jack If I can't dance I don't want to be part of your revolution -- Emma Goldman # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: http://www.nettime.org contact: nettime@bbs.thing.net