exactly.. even if we are fully unconcerned with political art, when
you say "wow, great work", thats just and only what i mean by implicit
change (you are changed).. art is autonomous here because, while the
work may or may not be political, this implicit change defines only
the meaning-relation between the artist, the work, and the viewer.
And that relationship is established independent of the impact of
media on society, i.e. politics. A philosophy of art should provide a
foundation for complete autonomy, and this is done by observing that
the basis of art is creating and appreciating.. keeping in mind that
theory only gets you so far as an artist.


carlos katastrofsky wrote:
> but can "change" be a parameter for art? what is to be changed through
> art? i agree that a "change" in whatever direction is possible but
> IMHO art mustn't be reduced to it. to me art is also someting i can
> admire without thinking of having to change something. in fact even if
> i see some really good "political art" the first step is to admire it
> (wow, great work) and then to think about consequences. art is
> something autonomous. to me such an approach would free it from being
> a mere form of communication, a medium, or "new media art". but at the
> same time it can be all of that.

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