It's actually worse than that: academic journals in my limited experience 
refuse to pay any rights for images and the writer of an article (at least in 
the USSA) using images has to submit proof that s/he has secured copyright 
permission for reproducing them, which means s/he has to pay for them or try to 
persuade the maker/owner of the image to yield rights of reproduction to the 
journal in my experience on absurd terms. Your mileage may vary.

I wd love to know if there is any general research on the economics of academic 
journals--print or electronic.

It is my perception that writers generally financially support the journals to 
which they submit work and receive no direct compensation. Their 
payback--besides the joy of sharing their knowledge and the satisfaction of 
inflecting discourse within their field--comes in terms of enhanced prestige, 
which can translate into employment security--albeit temporary these days--or 
some other form of career advancement, if they teach in a university.

So, in some sense, it's a pay to play situation, which in the best cases may be 
reimbursed or otherwise supported by a well-endowed university employer, but in 
the increasingly adjunct-based world, is increasingly rare. 

The inference that anyone advocates people working for free or not being 
compensated for their efforts is not simply incorrect, it's irrelevant. It is 
my distinct impression that even academic superstars derive most of their 
income from university salaries or public lectures, rather than from publishing 
contracts, unless they happen to write something that becomes the odd NY TIMES 
Best seller.

Someone please correct me if I've gotten this wrong, but it is my experience 
that academia, like other arenas of intellectual endeavor, functions more 
according to the logic of potlatch than that of capitalist accumulation. 

Keith Sanborn

On Jul 25, 2011, at 6:54 AM, Marco Ricci <> wrote:

> sorry David Golumbia, but.. ehm.. do you get any money from JSTOR if one of
> your articles is being purchased?
> If yes, well that weakens my point, by i think it will make sense anyway.
> However, i really don't think a researcher gets anything from JSTOR. As far
> as I know, he doesn't even get money from a paper edition academic journal
> which publishes his articles and sells them to the public for mostly
> illogically high prices. (I won't enter here the discussion about the
> barriers that such publications present on "the other side", that is to the
> access to publication and academic recognition). If, as i reckon, no
> researcher gets a cent from Jstor for his articles, why do you associate
> retribution for your work with payment to Jstor?


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