
This is all very complicated, and I've thought that it may be best, as an
editor of a journal, to stay out of the dialogue, but I think that there are
many good insights stated on nettime--and a few misconceptions.

To some very small degree, editors (I am editor of Feminist Media Studies, a
Routledge/Taylor and Francis Ltd journal) can negotiate better or worse
deals. Ultimately, the publishers have the last word, however. This
conversation on nettime has continued to the extent that I no longer
remember who said what, but we do pay for images permissions via money wired
to me from T&F. It took a long time to negotiate this deal, and I doubt that
every T&F journal editor has arranged things in this way. As I think that we
tend to know, paying for having one's *work* published is called 'vanity
publishing' and generally is unacceptable for those authors who wish to be

I *wish* that we were an open journal, but we have a closed journal, and
there's nothing to do about that except to quit publishing feminist media
studies pieces in the only journal that publishes only feminist media
studies and is international in scope.

Now, then, we have to deal with ISI/Thompson Reuters, and our desire to not
have a relationship with these sorts of operations.

My point, I suppose: anyone needing/wanting to publish in, review for, read,
and be on the editorial boards of journals should be well-educated in the
intricacies of journal production. My question, which I hope is productive:
How do we go about *teaching* this? In the past few years, I have been asked
perhaps a dozen times to offer presentations on this subject; so has my
co-editor and other editors with whom I'm familiar. But, talking doesn't
amount to change necessarily.

Perhaps I should end by noting that, as editors, we receive money only in
the form of 'expenses', so being an editor of a journal may seem masochistic
at worst and a labor of love at best,



Lisa McLaughlin, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Mass Communication & Program in Women¹s, Gender, and
Sexuality Studies
Co-editor, Feminist Media Studies
Miami University-Ohio

Mass Communication 
Williams Hall
Miami University-Ohio
Oxford, Ohio 45056
Tele: 513-529-3547
Fax: 513-529-1835
Email: mclau...@muohio.edu

On 7/26/11 5:53 PM, "Nick" <nett...@njw.me.uk> wrote:

> Quoth Marco Ricci:
>> library.nu), i consider them the heroes of our times, and when i think about
>> the amount of information freely available to anyone willing to use it, when
>> i think that i can now learn almost any topic at an academic level, spending
>> only my own time and energy, i feel moved and excited, i feel like knowledge
>> and wisdom are becoming less elitarian, like people can finally open their
>> minds (if they are willing to or not, is another question).
> Don't forget, though, that "only my own time and energy" is itself
> quite contingent on economic realities. While, of course, free
> access to knowledge is a great boon, it is not necessarily much use
> to people who have to spend the vast majority of their time and
> energy in order to make ends meet.


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