MOE-landers: statistical category as a basis for discrimination by Dutch PVV & 
VVD political parties

February 9, 2012 by Tjebbe van Tijen

The fully illustrated (including videos) and documented version can be found as 
always on:

[tableau/détournement: Meldpunt MOE-landers, with elements of PVV web site]

A ‘détournement‘ for the latest campaign of PVV/Wilders group targeting Middle 
& East European workers… what I see when I check out the Complain Web Site of 
the PVV.

The word ‘MOE-Landers’ is a post Cold War invention, before there was  the 
monolithic term  ’Oostblok (East-block from the East germany/DDR all the way to 
Vladivostok in Siberia ). MOE is an ‘acronym’ of Midden Oost Europees (Middle 
East European), which is then glued to the word ‘lander’ (someone from a 
certain land or country).

The word ‘MOE’ in Dutch means being tired. This is an interesting association 
as the MOE-landers may be coming to the Netherlands because the Ducth lower 
paid classes are tired (moe) of working for too low wages and in too bad 
circumstances. The Dutch entrepeneurs are of course the last to complain about 
willing Middle-East-Europe employees.

Wilders and his PVV movement specialise in using generalised ‘statistic group 
names  for humans’ as a basis for their pointing-a-finger-to-others politics. 
It is not just those belonging to a religious entity like Islam that are 
targeted by the PVV. The party of Wilders also points to other groupings of 
people, often groups that have been defined as a specific statistical category 
by the State Statistical Bureau (CBS). Autochtoon (Old-Greek: αὐτος; autos = 
“self” and χθων chthoon = “land/earth”)  and Allochtoon (ἄλλος (allos) = other; 
+ land/earth) are important ‘catchwords’ to be found in the ‘policy nets’ of 
the PVV. ‘Native’ and ‘alien’ to use other dividing terms, or simply ‘us and 

Sub-categories – all neatly defined by the Dutch State Statistic Bureau – are 
singled out by PVV strategists for their populist campaigns, like the seemingly 
geographic notion of ‘Niet Westerse Allochtoon’ (non Western Allochtones). 
NWAers would be an acronym for this group, proposed to us as a non-adaptive 
foreign element in the mythically national entity of ‘echte Nederlanders’ (real 
Netherlanders) originating from ‘non Western countries. The last thing is such 
an general absurd notion that it will take a separate article (in the making) 
to explain it by showing tis category in maps. For the rest I need not detail 
here the fact that all nations exist only by the grace of migration. The 
ethnographer searching for a real aboriginal Dutch will have a hard time 
finding one.

[Statistic of Middle and East Europeans in the Netheralnds 2007-2011: Middle 
and East Europeans in the Netherlands: (blue) not registered employee in the 
GBA (Gemeentelijke Basis Administratie Persoonsgegevens/Municipal Basic 
Administration of Persons Information); (brown) idem registered. Source CBS .]

The singling out of MOE-landers as a target is not a new PVV policy. It fits in 
their long term structural policy of ‘the Netherlands for the Netherlanders’ 
(Nederland voor de Nederlanders). The definition of what a real Netherlander is 
according to the PVV remains kind of vague. I do not see a ‘jus sanguinis‘ (the 
fact of being born in a country) approach by the PVV as a basis for 
citizenship, as Dutch citizenship is something in the opinion of the PVV that 
can be taken away from first, second – who knows where it ends – generations of 
migrants, that in their view do misbehave. “Send them back to their homeland” 
is the adage.

It is certainly not only the PVV who is campaigning against former 
East-blockers, East-Europeans or MOE-landers. The Liberal Party for Freedom 
(VVD) – the main power in government now – is in fact the main motor behind the 
PVV action against MOE-landers. The VVD minister of Social Affairs and 
Employment, Henk Kamp, proposed already a year ago to expel unemployed Polish 
workers, not withstanding European accords on free movement of employees. The 
number of problem cases of such economic migrants, as suggested by the minister 
last year, have been criticised and relativized by informed sources and members 
of parliament, accusing the minister of a party-politic election show over the 
backs of EU migrant workers.

What we see is an orchestrated campaign whereby the PVV takes an extremist  
stand by actions like the call to complain on a web site about MOE-landers 
(anonymous and without check on double entries if wanted), while the VVD plays 
it more subtle and indirect. Minister Kamp has a personal campaign, often 
televised by the NOS TelevisionJournal, whereby he draws his double sided 
sword: threatening to scrap the welfare benefit of Dutch unemployed workers, if 
they refuse to do the jobs now done by the MOE-landers and because of this   
force the MOE-landers out of their jobs. Jobs often in the greenhouses of the 
agrarian export sector. Double sided sword, double side profit, also for the 

[screen shot of video: Minister Henk Kamp (VVD) of Social Welfare and 
Employment in a video during a working visit to horticulture firms in the 
Noord-Oost Polder, filmed by the Dutch State Information Service (RVD): "..if 
you can work and there is work, than you must work." Click picture to go to the 
RVD information page of this work visit. Kamp speaks about the number of 
unemployed Dutch workers in the region, being the same as the number of 
MOE-lander workers employed in the horticulture in this region. The 
horticulture entrepeneur explains that these MOE-landers can be called to work 
on short notice and for short time contracts only, whereas the Dutch looking 
for employment in the region are looking for an all around year job. Nobody 
seems to know the historically speaking distressing association that the 
Noord-Oost Polder (new land on what once was an inner sea) has consumed a lot 
of real 'forced labour' when it was laid bare and made into farmland during 
World War II.]

The agrarian sector itself certainly does not embrace this proposal for a 
number of reasons: refusal or incapacity of the “real Dutch” unemployed to do 
this kind of work, because of what is not said in the VVD minister’s campaign, 
the not so brilliant economic and social conditions offered to workers employed 
in EU competitive factory greenhouses. In other words this industry thrives on 
seasonal migrant workers.

The media performance of VVD and PVV is perfectly orchestrated these days, with 
Geert Wilders being attacked for his discriminatory MOE-landers campaign while 
Henk Kamp appears on television saying that it is up to any parliament 
fractions to take on measures and researches they deem necessary. What is 
discrimination for one, is ‘freedom of expression’ for another, according to 
Minister Henk Kamp being asked about his opinion on the complaint against the 
anti-MOE-lander campaign by the Polish ambassador to the Netherlands.

The text below is a GoogleTranslation of  the PVV new anti-MOE-lander campaign 
web site on February the 9th 2012 (it is an automatic translation of PVV prose, 
that is as much as I am willing to do about rendering their Dutch in some kind 
of English, it is enough to get the gist of it):

“Reporting Central and Eastern Europeans

 Since May 1, 2007 there is free movement of workers between the Netherlands 
and eight countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries. At present 
the estimates to the number of people from these countries, which resides in 
the Netherlands, apart from 200,000 to 350,000 people. As one of the few 
parties, the Freedom Party from the beginning against the opening of the labor 
market to Poland and other CEE nationals. Given all the problems associated 
with the massive arrival of especially Poland, is that attitude materialized. 
Recently, the PVV whatsoever against further opening of the labor market for 
Romanians and Bulgarians voted.

 This massive labor migration leads to many problems, nuisance, pollution, 
displacement and integration in the labor and housing problems. For many 
people, these things a serious problem. Complaints are often not reported, 
because the idea that nothing is done.

 Do you have trouble of CEE nationals? Or have you lost your job on a Pole, 
Bulgarian, Romanian or other Central or Eastern European? We would like to 
hear. The Freedom Party has a platform on this website to your symptoms to 
report. These complaints, we will identify and offer the results to the 
Minister of Social Affairs and Employment.

 Submit your story here”

Original web site for copmplaints by the PVV is here:


in Dutch by farmer Merijntje produced by farmers son Rinus van Wezel, a 8 
minute discourse with birds singing in the background with the title:

“Minister Kamp sends forced labourers to the horticulture”

A long and well argued call to the minister that” forced labour tomato picking 
will be a disastrous undertaking”; Merintje describes what will happen with 
strawberry harvesting by workers that are forced and try to evade in all kind 
of creative ways to do such work. In all detail farmer Merijntje sketches the 
fanatic posture of  VVD minister Kamp in his zealous campaign to have Dutch 
workers to pick Dutch fruits and the consequences it will have for those law 
abiding farmers like him. “Just imagine”, he says lifting his arms in the sky, 
“government falls because of strawberry picking.” The horticulture entrepreneur 
also knows his classics on prudent politics when he uses the metaphor of the 
need for the Minister to be “bendable… in the wind, bendable like the reed.” 
The European Union reality is better understood by farmer Merijntje, than 
Minister Kamp, when he comes to the plight of all those Bulgarian and Rumanian 
workers that are working as season helps with him, already for years, and he 
recalls the expectation they have to earn something once in a while in the 
Netherlands. Think about their families, their situation at home often without 
The contrast between the PVV and VVD campaigns and this discourse from this 
other side – literary in the fields – is enormous. I did hear recently similar 
reasoning by employers of MOE-landers.
Still the level of payment, the working conditions and the social impact of  
this new kind of EU migration work must not be forgotten, which would also 
necessitate getting a better understanding of market prices, European and 
international competition, economic risks and profits that are or could be 
made. Still having looked at the case at hand of the public discrimination of 
“MOE-landers”, it seems to be such an anachronism with this high overtone of 
xenophobia and proposed authoritarian control of the labour market. Anachronism 
also of the formerly speaking ‘liberal’ ‘free market’ VVD party that – 
apparently – for electoral reasons plays a socially dangerous high risk poker 
game with their statistical based discrimination policy, switching to 
protectionism and outmoded forms of  nationalism. Is the VVD still a liberal 
party? I doubt it.

[link to YouTube movie with farmer Merijntje]

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