Greetings All,
Of course one can expect boiling outrage at the copious amounts of hoovering of 
data, eavesdropping and classical snooping that characterises the numerous 
Snowden/NSA revelations. What a good part of the discussions focus on is the 
notion of the 'invasion of privacy' either on an individual level or on the 
state level. But, in the post 9/11 world (in actuality much before) spying and 
surveillance have almost effortlessly crossed the borders of state and 
corporate territories into the realm of the private - whether in the virtual 
world or the physical; our everyday realities are subject to observation and 
tracking on numerous levels: in airports or on the street both named and 
anonymous forces can alter or thwart everyday mobility. Thus, the NSA 
revelations only represent one aspect of the surveillance tree in which 'stop 
and frisk laws', racial profiling and other criteria for identifying social 
miscreants are in play. It is quite necessary to add to this dystopic scenario 
perhaps a 
 more troubling and deep-rooted aspect of the surveillance landscape: the 
neoliberal economic paradigm(s) upon which post-industrial societies rest is in 
itself dependent on the hoovering and collecting of individual data; in this 
sense the border between the avowedly political target of surveillance and the 
potential consumer becomes is naturally blurred; similar tools (employed on 
vastly different scales) are employed to identify the markers of the 'potential 
terrorist' or someone looking for a book at Amazon, tools for the garden, or 
food for the evening meal. It seems that across the various digital nodes that 
fill our contemporary landscapes there has been an ineluctable blurring of 
boundaries between the territories of the individual, the state or the 
corporate world. 

The public space of the internet is a very fragile reality, indeed, in the same 
manner that the public spaces of our cities are subject to the most insidious 
forms of privatisation. Time for a paradigm shift?


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