I have to disagree about both Hollywood and PATCO. In any case the dubious turn 
of phrase was "the birthplace of mass entertainment." By the Buffalo meeting of 
the Motion Picture Patent Trust (1908) it was already a fully industrialized 
standardized monopoly capitalistic venture with the core structures in place. 
Actually the Edison studios where Porter worked moved from NJ to Manhattan 
first, not Queens. 

And what makes you say PATCO was not really a labor union? If it's wasn't one 
then how cd it get decertified? And what makes you think it wasn't a turning 
point. Up until then Unions were to be feared by any politician running for any 
national office. This was clearly the beginning of the end for organized labor. 
We can argue some other time the virtues of labor unions. But whether you 
consider it causal or not is a moot point; it clearly marks an historical 
watershed and this is generally agreed. And their decertification was 
subsequent to their demise in 1981. They cdnt have endorsed his second term 
because they didn't exist. Banning people for life from their profession 
doesn't have a chilling effect? Wrong. And starting over from scratch didn't 
endanger the public ?


> On Jan 21, 2014, at 11:33 PM, martha rosler <na...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> yes,keith, brian, javier,,,,
> -Hollywood started in Edison, NJ, and Astoria, Queens. (But full
> industrialization happened as you describe, out west.)
> The crushing of unionism is not really traceable to the attack on PATCO,
> though it was a signal event in ending the historic compromise of labor
> and industry, much like Thatcher's destruction of the miners and
> scargill, which did lead to the end of mining  (or anything aside from
> financials) as a major industry in UK. But note that PATCO was not
> actually a union and supported Reagan's election.

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