1. How do you define Internet Art?

art that uses the internet as part of its concept

   2. How do you judge an Internet Art piece?

like any other piece of art

   3. What is that excites you the most about Internet art?

well, it never did excite me so much in the first place. maybe the esthetics of the screen.

   4. What do you think is the most important input that Internet art
   brings to the art world today?

i don´t see much input. the "art world" thrives without the internet, at least here in Vienna.

   5. How do you curate Internet Art? What do you look for in Internet

i´m a composer, i don´t curate.

6. Are galleries a thing of the past when we think about Internet Art?


   8. Are online platforms for display a way of institutionalizing
   Internet Art and give this kind of art a legitimization in the art


   9. How is the art world dealing with the fact that net artists are
   jumping the ropes of the art world by showing their art without any
   need of validation?

they don´t care

   10. Who collects Internet Art?

nobody i know

   11. How do you sell Internet art? Do you materialize the idea?

yes. materialized in form of C-prints and printed-on fabrics.

12. Do you find a difference between traditional artists and Internet
   art artists?

I. a. a. are younger, mostly

   13. Are Internet art audiences different than museum and galleries
audiences? If so, do you think is important to form new audiences for
   Internet art?

i´ve never seen an "internet art audience", besides at festivals like ars electronica.

   14. Are we in the "post-object" era and what does this mean?

no, we are not

   15. Which are your favorite Internet art pieces?

live webcasts



STATION ROSE digital natives & internet artists  since 1988
Elisa Rose & Gary Danner

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