On 10.10.2015 00:48, Kristoffer Gansing wrote:

But as I hinted at in the beginning, part of the problem is that we are
always busy somewhere else. This might be both the biggest asset and
curse of media art and digital culture : that it is always moving on.
The next place, the next site, the next discourse, the next big trend.
When is digital art and culture going to really grow up and deal with
the here and now? How can you formulate a real alternative in the
present when you are always too busy being tele-present?

Dear Kristoffer,

I maybe misreading you, but I think there is sort of contradiction in what you say. Or rather, the answer to your own question is in the preceding sentence. This state of being tele-present (great alteration of the meaning of the term, by the way!) is the outcome of this constant urge or drive of new media art (artists, curators and events) to deal with "here and now", with the next big "hear and now". Drones yesterday, Snowden today, TTIP tomorrow... and then it's already time again for the next round of the Internet of Things.

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