A borderless economy that will be controlled


Parminder Jeet Singh

Jack Ma, the founder of Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, has proposed a new 
business-led initiative for framing global e-commerce rules. Announcing it at 
the Boao Forum for Asia, he said: “Let businesses drive it with governments and 
NGOs and other organisations participating”. Mr. Ma’s proposed setting up what 
he calls the World e-Trade Platform (WeTP). The WeTP is supposed to complement 
the World Trade Organisation which can remain in charge of global rules for 
offline trade. Alibaba will present this plan in the G-20 meet later this year 
in Hangzhou, China, where it is headquartered. In short, this means that those 
who run e-commerce businesses are proposing to draft the rules for e-commerce 
too, because in their view, they know best. 

Mr. Ma’s announcement is apparently a political shocker — corporate power is 
making a direct political challenge to governmental actors. However, a former 
vice minister of China, the Indonesian Trade Minister, and the President of the 
Inter-American Development Bank — all of whom were present at the Boao Forum — 
reacted positively to the announcement. To understand what is happening here, 
let us step back a little. 

Digital monopolies 

In the digital realm, it is said that code is law and architecture is policy. 
Those who control the software code, and the architecture of large ‘platforms’ 
around which key social systems are organised today, get to set the rules for 
these sectors. ‘To organise the world’s information’ is Google’s stated noble 
function. As Google developed monopoly over this sector, it increasingly 

manipulated its algorithms for its own commercial gains. It judges what content 
needs to be pulled down for violating intellectual property rights or on 
grounds of defamation, normally a public function. Facebook similarly makes the 
global social rules on its monopoly social media platform, as Apple does for 
the mobile app ecology on its App Store, rivalled only by Google’s Android 

Things get more complex as we move to sectors that are not purely 
informational/digital. But even in these cases, any first mover who can 
organise the digital connections between the suppliers and consumers in any 
sector, and the valuable data that arise from the ensuing digital interactions, 
can expect to quickly develop a monopolistic position. The first mover comes to 
own the ‘platform’ around which the digital avatar of the concerned sector 
takes shape. It can become the Airbnb of accommodation booking, the Uber of 
city transportation, or the Amazon/Alibaba of e-commerce. 

Similar monopoly platforms are expected to develop in all areas, including key 
sectors such as education, health, and agriculture. Monsanto has graduated from 
a manufacturing company to being intellectual property-based and now to 
becoming an agriculture data company. It plans to monopolise macro and micro 
data about farming, right up to the soil type and micro-climate of each farm, 
to be able to fully control all agricultural inputs, both hard and soft. With 
privileged access to information about what is going to come out of the fields 
and when, it can, in due course, also expect to dominate the agri-output 
market. The automobile sector is similarly undergoing major digital 
transformations, with Google and Apple moving in. Daimler’s CEO recently 
expressed concern that traditional car-makers may get reduced to becoming the 
Foxconn (the China-based i-Phone manufacturer) of the car industry, while 
others own the all-important digital operating systems. 

As all sectors go digital, some interesting reorganisation is happening. There 
is a marked tendency towards greater monopolisation with the key positions held 
by whoever can control the ‘platform’ that digitally connects different actors, 
especially with consumers, and, even more importantly, control the data about 
the sector. These two kinds of controls are related as data mostly gets 
generated from digital interactions in the sector — among human actors, but 
also increasingly with and among ‘things’, what is called the ‘Internet of 

Fixing regulation 

Strong network effects implied in both these controls is the reason for 
increased monopolisation. We see its extreme expression in pure digital 
services such as search and social networking. In non-digital areas, there are 
still the traditional manufacturing/intellectual property competencies and 
brand loyalties to contend with, even as digital behemoths make audacious moves 
to take on these sectors. There also exists a good amount of innovation outside 
the current industry giants. However, starts-ups are fast being bought out, and 
mergers and partnerships are taking place, overall tending towards a very few 
actors dominating each sector — some competing while others occupying 
complementing roles. Even competitors are entering into cooperative 
understandings (Microsoft and Google agreed recently to not go to court against 
each other). The main understanding among big businesses is that they 
themselves frame the rules in every sector, keeping the political bodies or 
regulators out at any cost. 

Transformation in all sectors is of a global nature, with mostly the same 
digital companies dominating everywhere in a given sector, whether a Google or 
an Uber. As the digital transformations redefine sectors in fundamental, 
globally-integrated ways, individual nations in any case may have limited 
policy or regulatory rein. Following Google and Facebook, AirBnB and Uber have 
now begun taking on regulatory regimes. They have mobilised their users to 
stage political protests against regulators. It is unprecedented for a 
corporation to openly flex its political muscle. 

So, first, a few global corporates get to make the rules of our society just by 
owning the digital systems underpinning different sectors, on the basis of code 
is law. Next, by their monopoly control of sectoral ‘platforms’, they challenge 
the regulators, at times making ad hoc arrangements with them. But it is made 
clear that their own dominant practices should substantially shape the sector’s 
regulation, if any. Major business actors further enter into formal and 
informal alliances to write the technology and practices standards for each 
sector, pre-empting any public intervention. 

And to the extent that certain policy/lawmaking simply cannot be done without 
involving some social actors other that just the mega businesses, there is a 
new kind of business-led process of policy/lawmaking called 
multi-stakeholderism. It co-opts select government and civil society actors who 
can bless the business-dictated frameworks, with a few concessions thrown here 
and there to the co-opted parties. This is what Mr. Ma’s proposal is; it 
represents an increasingly favoured approach in Internet/digital governance. 

This business-led multi-stakeholderism approach has till now been mostly spoken 
of in somewhat vague terms, especially when involving issues of clear public 
policy, though the basic intent has been strongly evident. Mr. Ma just made the 
first outright proposal in this regard. Alibaba says that it is already working 
with many groups on this proposal. All of this is good in a way to the extent 
that the real meaning and implication of business-led multi-stakeholderism is 
now out in the open and various actors should be able to better assess their 
stand on it. 

A future to stop 

The problem is equally on the side of governments and public interest actors 
who have been, as if in a state of complete paralysis, bewildered at the pace 
and intensity of digital changes. Governments seek piecemeal benefits from 
these digital changes, without realising how the very political ground may be 
shifting from under their feet. It is, for instance, surprising that even a 
country as statist as China could let Alibaba make such an extreme neoliberal 
move. As things in China often are, the proposal may even have the government’s 
support, even if tacit. No one apparently wishes to see beyond their noses, 
blinded by the lure of short-term possible economic gains. 

Most public interest organisations too have not moved beyond celebrating the 
digital opportunity to also appreciating the dangers at the larger systemic 
level. Meanwhile, the spectre of corporate takeover of society, or 
corporatocracy, is creeping closer than ever, through the unsuspected digital 
route which was supposed to be liberating. Alibaba’s website proclaims: “Ma’s 
ultimate goal is the creation of a virtual, borderless economy not constrained 
by politics”. But of course this economy will be closely guided (read: 
controlled) by global corporations like Alibaba. 

What is urgently required is to construct political institutions that are 
adequate to the new digital realities. This work has to be done at both the 
national and global levels. 


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