On Wed, 1 Mar 2017, at 09:22 PM, Morlock Elloi wrote:

> Just to mention the latest, and perhaps the most insidious entry in the 
> war on cash: Bitcoin, all-transactions-always-public PoW hash system 
> operated mostly by Chinese mints, touted to post-New Agers as the Next 
> Big Thing.

Bitcoin was war on the war on cash.

> The unique aspect of Bitcoin is that it represents a merger of two 
> ideologies - one well described in the subject essay, and the other 

That it managed to do this while being an evil AnCap conspiracy is very

> being California model of centralized-everything through middlemen apps, 
> where middlemen middle between myriad aspects of the human existence on 

Middlemen are "trusted third parties".

> one side, and a single-digit number of fascistic monopolies on the other 
> side.

This is an Adam Curtis cheese dream of what Bitcoin's recuperation by
its enemies represents.

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